| | Water Fasting

Lack of results. What am i doing wrobg

I lost some significant weight about two years ago when I discovered intermittent fasting. I have since gained back some of that weight and I started fasting again just over a month ago. I am also exercising regularly- I jump rope for about 20 minutes or 1000 skips every day and I do a HIIT workout for 30-40 minutes 5 days a week. I fast for 18-20 hours during the week and 16 hours on the weekends. I am also not eating any junk food or fast foods and I have been doing this since before I began fasting. All my meals are home-cooked and I try to keep them healthy but I am not restrictive in terms of what I eat.

I have been doing all of this consistently for more than a month now but I haven’t lost any weight at all. I am really confused and I don’t understand what I am doing wrong. The last time I did intermittent fasting, I saw results very quickly and I wasn’t as consistent as I am now.

My goal is to lose about 5 kgs and just get toned up a bit. I thought I would have achieved that by now but I haven’t made any progress at all. Please help. Any advice is welcome

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Are you keeping track on your calories at all or are you just going ham while “guessing” how much you’ve eaten?

With all that exercise I bet you’re taking in A LOT of calories without even thinking about it!

The whole “No need to count or plan anything just don’t eat for 18 hours lol :D” doesn’t work when you’re dealing with that much HIIT and potentially excess calories in the hundreds or even thousand.

Just keep at it, a single month is not a good indicator.


Perhaps varying your fasting periods would change things in a positive way. It sounds like you’re doing either 20/4 or 18/6 during the week and 16/8 on weekends.

I primarily do OMAD but to shake things up I’ll do a monk fast (fast from dinner until breakfast 36 hours later) periodically and then eat a high fat very low carb meal to come out of the fast.

Doing this my keytone level stays as high as the test strips will measure even hours after that meal. Ymmv of course.


Have you only recently begun the exercising? While you are building muscle your body holds on to water for repair, and water is HEAVY. You may be toning up, like you want, just retaining water.

Other than that, what everyone else said. Measure your intake. Reduce your calories some.

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