Hi, I’m new to intermittent fasting and I’ve seen conflicting info on any drinks less than 50 cals being okay. I only drink water and do not drink sweet drinks, however I have recently drinking green juice. It’s a powder that I mix with water, and one serving is 30cals. It does not have any added or artificial sweeteners. Would drinking this when I wake up be breaking my fast? This is it:
Again everyone argues on this point Strict fasting it will break your fastFasting for calorie reduction., No
I personally use it taste is alright, but do like it.
Not a doctor but I feel like it isn’t breaking my fast. Still have great results.
It will be considered “dirty fasting” just like putting cream in your coffee would be. It’s up to you whether you want to do it.
(If it contains sugar — even “natural” sugars — it will have a greater insulin-spiking effect than cream in coffee.)
Technically yes it’s breaking your fast. Any calorie intake breaks your fast.
Bit that doesn’t mean that your fast was a waste. You wont lose the progress of your fast it just won’t be as efficient of a fast.