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Lifting weights while fasting?

I have a history of doing prolonged fasts (24-72+ hrs) from time to time over the last year and half, but I want to be consistent and stick to a goal and schedule to follow. this week i’d like to start doing 48h fasts again, knowing me it will most likely turn into 72hrs. i’m planning on doing rolling fasts, so the 48-72 hrs then one meal and smoothie (or maybe a day of eating? considering i’m working out..or just a big meal but i imagine that will be difficult after a long fast for me) then another fast, then a meal, then fast, etc until i lose enough weight to consistently stay lean and build muscle. I’m a female, currently 5’4” and roughly 180 lbs. I currently work out approx 3 times a week w a friend and we usually lift weights, from time to time we do boxing or bike riding as cardio. We never workout for more than an hour. I also work a full time job where i’m on my feet for 6+ hrs 5 days a week, going up and down ladders and lifting boxes all day. Would doing a snake fast and having a workout or two while fasting be safe? I’m guessing it’s a subjective thing but i’m wondering what experienced fasters have to say. I’m almost positive Cole has made videos or posts about this or mentioned it in past routines but i really don’t remember and wouldn’t even know where to look lol (i’ll probably end up searching later) Thanks

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Tough question and hard to properly answer as everyone experiences exercise during fasting differently. I only do prolonged water fasts and currently on week 1 of 6 weeks extended water fast, meaning no refeeds during 42 days (previously done other prolonged fasts of 2 and 4 weeks on snake juice). I experienced that higher intensity workouts really screw me over if they are anything over 20 or 30 minutes and leave me feeling totally depleted, nauseous and empty, making it hard to work for the rest of the day. What works for me is a short (30 mins or less) higher intensity workout (I have a powerful Tacx bike trainer which I use) and leave it at that, start my day. Then, somewhere in the day or evening, fit in a long walk, which can be anywhere from 1 to 3 hours, those low intensity but longer endurance exercises really work very well in a fasted state. Hopefully it helps and make sure to listen to you body, especially when doing manual labor in your daily job! Keep it up (:


I’m a weightlifter and I do a 72 hour fast every month. Day one I have a normal workout. Day two I lift at about 70%. Day three I rest and then I lift my normal volume on the day I break my fast. That’s just me though. Make sure you drink your salts.Fasting and bodybuilding go very well together.

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Categories: lifting weight working out muscle cardio water fast evening a fast 72 hour fast