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Longer Fasts and Kids

Any suggestions on how to do a longer fast when you still have to cook food for and feed a family?

The most I’ve done is a 36 hour. I felt great. I really want to try for 72.

BUT I HAVE TO COOK ALL MY KIDS MEALS! AHH!!! and I’m dreading the necessary self control around dinner time to do so.

Any coping mechanisms? Skills? Experience with this?

Right now I’m thinking maybe to prep all of the food ahead of time, then its just re-heats and delivery.

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I think the prep ahead of time and then reheat plan is a good one. The less involved of the cookery, the better. And maybe make sure make yourself a special drink - like a big iced green tea or something.


I struggle with dinner too and my partner will typically cook at least the first night of my fasts, when it’s the most difficult for me to resist food. If I’m cooking, I make something easy that isn’t really tempting to me (usually grilled cheese sandwiches in a waffle iron or pancakes). Occasionally I let them have cereal for dinner, which they prep themselves.

If you’re really wanting to eat what you make your kids, maybe make yourself wait until an hour after they’re finished and reevaluate. Chances are you’ll no longer feel the urge.


I must be the odd one out looking at some of these comments, but I absolutely loooooovvee cooking and prepping food when I’m doing extended fasts. It’s the only thing that gets me through. No joke, touching food, sniffing food as I’m cooking it makes me so happy. Then I intently observe my family as they eat, encouraging them to eat more, and treating them as my personal mukbang show. Ahhhh so good.


I’m glad you posted this, because I’m in the same boat! I always think to myself how effortless fasting would be if I didn’t have to be involved in all of the kids’ (1 & 2 years old) meal making 🤣 I like the ideas to prep ahead of time, and of course smart to make something that isn’t tempting. I also make sure to crack a seltzer water or something to sip on during so that I feel like I’m consuming something haha it’s definitely a challenge!

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