Hello! I've been making my own beef liver jerky. I was wondering about the vitamin & mineral content, since the product loses water and it's dry, what are the contents for the dried product, compared to raw liver per 10g serving?...
I bought Procter and a Gamble's Seven Seas Cod liver oil capsules. The packing has Vitamin A, D, EPA, DHA mentioned but doesn't mentiom Omega 3 fatty acids Basic Google search didn't help clearly. So wanted to know if this (or each)...
Are there any benefits in eating an actual whole cod liver from a can vs cod liver oil from a bottle? Thanks.
When someone feels sluggish and then has a sugar/glucose hit they can may perk up quite rapidly. When this occurs does the ingested sugar/glucose source still go through the liver or once in the small intetsine can it...
Logically my opinion it seems better to eat daily small amounts 0.57 oz than eating the 4 oz liver in one day, anyone know this answer? Also I heard there's too much copper intake in liver so is there another...
This guy Liver King has been eating 3 ounces of liver everyday, sometimes twice a day as you see in his everyday stories. It is recommended to only eat 3-6 ounces of liver a week. How does he eat that...
I've heard from many people and blogs about lemon juice/lemon water cleansing or detoxing the liver. I was wondering where this hypothesis comes from and if there are any studies that seem to back it up. Thanks!
Apparently my diagnosed fatty liver is gone and I'm down from 148kg to 142kg in few months, don't really notice much from outside but I guess it's doing something. Doing 16/8 currently.
According to the german site naehrwertrechner.de (https://www.naehrwertrechner.de/naehrwerte/V531100/Rind+Leber+roh?menge=100), the vitamin a content in raw beef liver is 59666iu & the copper content 3.2mg. According to cronometer the vitamin a content is 16898iu & the copper content 9.8mg. For chicken liver it‘s 42666iu...
Hi guys I have fatty liver since 16 years old, now I am 27, I started lifting after I was diagnosed and have been consistently doing so before pandemic hit. Yesterday I just got another ultrasound and blood test, my...
I just found out there is a thing called Vitamin A poisoning. For instance, eating polar bear liver could literally kill you because of the extreme amount of Vitamin A it contains. Now, I've seen people say that eating cod liver...
Can you actually get vitamin toxicity consuming too much?
First, I'm very much pro-IF and practitioner (estimating 8 years now doing 16:8 or 18:6). I'm simply trying to bolster my defence to certain and upcoming questions on my liver health due to the practice of IF. My numbers are...
Pork/Cow Liver is a cheap source of protein. It also tastes good if you can cook. I would like to get a consensus on the amounts a human can eat over week/month? Online I'm seeing so many varied numbers and standpoints (with...
I've been working on cutting back on the alcohol, but I find it too much fun to give up entirely. Sometimes the amount can raises some eyebrows, but I have solidified the habit of only drinking on weekends, and working...
Hi! long time lurker but first time poster/hopefully soon a participating member. I got blood work done a few days ago and I've been looking at the results and my LDL levels are slightly higher than normal (my levels are...
I just read Filonov‘s book and he said It is important to do these and should not fast without doing these cleanses first. I was hoping to avoid these and just start with a 20hr fast and...
Hello, I've read that processed sugars cause inflammation in the liver which inhibits its ability to uptake and metabolize lactic acid which hurts the aerobic system. I wanted to ask whether it's the high glycemic index of these carbs that cause...
Disclaimer: This is NOT to freak anyone out or spread paranoia. I was/am a huge supporter of water fasting, but really think it should only be done with the support and advice of medical professionals after what happened to me....
"If you have risk factors for heart disease, you should not consume more than 200 milligrams of cholesterol a day. If you do not have risk factors for heart disease, you should limit your cholesterol intake to no more than...
As I'm killing/treating my SIBO and Candida atm there are many tocins my body has to get rid of. And as a feel the urge to fast (juice fasting) it should be a good idea. But I don't want to reabsorb...
I fried my dog chicken liver in butter and it smelled really good.
When articles say that alcohol can raise triglycerides, is it actually the alcohol (i.e., ethanol) responsible for this, or are they saying that consuming alcohol can lead to excess calorie consumption and therefore increases triglycerides? There is no real distinction...
So it makes sense that you want to start a fast with a filling meal that's low in carbs, so you don't end up craving food so easily. But I'm assuming after, say, a week of fasting, this choice of...
A single food or a meal doesn't matter
So I’ve had fish roe, cod liver, beef liver and bone marrow but are here other foods from different cultures that are very nutritious? I love goods from different cultures because a lot of the time the foods aren’t talk...
I'm super confused. Yesterday night I was in the 90s and now one hour after drinking 800ml of water with lemon and salts I'm at 114 without eating anything. 🤔 I've read a doctor saying when we fast the liver pulls...
Person A gains 30lbs by eating nothing but nuts and berries Person B gains 30 lbs by eating Fast Food Is the fat on person A somehow superior to the fat on person B, or is fat fat? Related question - would...
One gram of carbohydrates provides four calories of energy. The body can store a maximum of 15 grams of glycogen per kilogram of body weight (15 grams per 2.2 pounds). This would mean that a 175-pound athlete could store up...
If that is true, are all those people that say they can’t lose weight like they used to before, and therefore end up losing motivation because they don’t see visual results most likely suffering from NAFLD? (yes, aside from the...
[https://nutritiondetective.com/](https://nutritiondetective.com/) Sorry if this is the wrong sub. I know they're some crank shit or something, but I couldn't find much info about them. Just curious if anyone has heard of them?
Does that mean zinc is important for muscle building and copper for organ function?
Hello r/nutrition! I have a question about fiber consumption as it relates to sugar metabolization. To protect the liver, does fiber need to be consumed simultaneously with the sucrose (e.g. fruit)? Is it just as beneficial to have a high fiber...
I've heard this from family members who think high fructose corn syrup, or fructose in generally is "bad sugar". Why?
I need to buy some vitamin D for winter but I want to make sure it's natural, how can you tell? this is what I'm looking at https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0B3LWGHGD/ or would I be better off going with cod liver oil or something...
I have often read that organ meats are highly nutritious - more so than muscle meat. (I do know that a diet of polar-bear liver would be bad for me.) Today I read on an extremely popular diet/fitness blog that...
Couldn't make sense of what I found: "The UL for vitamin A from retinol is 3,000 micrograms of preformed vitamin A." A slice of pan fried beef liver has 6272.6μg of Vitamin A. In my understanding of the text, this...
Hi all I'm I wanted to get someone's knowledge on this. So I'm coming to an end on my 24 hour fast. I went to the gym and worked out hard for 60 minutes my average heart rate was 172 peaking at 190 according...
Sorry if this is a dumb question. I know that drinks like apple juice are considered unhealthy because of the high sugar content with no fiber, but what if you were to soak chia seeds in 100% apple juice? You...
Year into fasting (OMAD) loved it. However, recently I’ve stumbled upon the mentioned information Edit: fasting kills WEAK and healthy cells
I'm currently on day 4 of Dry Fasting and my blood sugar number is 86. Normally my blood sugar would be in the low 70s when I do water fast on day 3. I'm guessing dry fast affect the cortisol....
Usually, my blood sugar level is around 100 mg/dL. Lately I started to fast, 24 or 48 hours. After I fast, say for 48 hours, my glycemia is around 80 mg/dL. Today I measured my glycemia before broking an...
I’m currently fasting in an effort to get myself back into ketosis after a break. I’m at 36 hours, and was hoping to be able to break my fast soon. I just check my blood sugar after an intense workout...
Is this normal? Last meal I had was yesterday at 4:30pm. Before drinking 800ml of lemon water with salts, my glucose was at 101 and 20 mins after drinking it I was at 109.
Will this enhance the benefits of fasting? Possibly harmful?
Which broth has the most bang for its buck? Chicken, beef, veggies etc.
Hi! Today was day 3 I started IF 16-8, first 2 days went great however today I broke fast with 3 pints of beer . Will this hinder progress this week? I've decided to cut out alcohol from now, just wondering about...
I recently did two Comprehensive Metabolic Panels back-to-back within 4 days. The first test was day 1 of fast. 2nd Test was the day after breaking a 3 day fast the previous night. 1st test, kidney function was normal. The...
Hello everyone!! I started IF and its my 2nd month but on Saturday its my birthday. In my country , i have to celebrate my birthday with my friends drink etc. cant dodge this! Which alcohol+beverage has the less calories...
I’m essentially eating 20-30 grams of raw basil leaves crushed with pine nuts and olive oil into a pesto and I just assumed this was very healthy, but I came across an article saying there was a compound in it...
I've been doing IF for a month now, and I'm down 15 pounds. I'm a short, fat woman, and I'm hoping to eventually lose 100 ( maybe more) pounds. But as far as a difference in my appearance, I have...
So... can anyone explain this to me? I just don't know how the brain/body connection works, and I'm really curious. Until recently, I hadn't eaten a steak in about ten years. Just never really felt like it. I've also never...
As someone who has been fasting for years now, I was always under the assumption that the point of staying hydrated during a fast is to flush toxins out through your urine. There are only 3 ways to flush toxins...
I read that beef bone broth is good to sip before eating? Anyone else do this too?
So there's loads of debate around food supplements, particularly multivitamin tablets and whether very much of it gets absorbed and benefits you. ​ I've had tons of success however taking fish oil supplements, as it has been the only thing to clear...
Hi. I'm laying here wanting to sleep and i get this odd question into my mind. If we disregard the need of vitamins, minerals etc. (All handled by pills or something calorie free), and you have access to water. Would a...
Does fish oil can cause vitamin A toxicity and if you got vitamin A toxicity does it affect mental health?
I am a 31F. This time last year I was dx with NAFLD. I’ve been doing alternate week OMAD for most of the past year. I’m 5’4 and my starting weight was 155lbs. I’m now down to 140lbs and just...
I am trying to lower my salt intake so I decided to google "low sodium fast food options" for when I occasionally do eat out with friends or have to grab a fast bite. What I found was that 99%...
Hey everyone, Lost like 20 pounds over 2 years little by little and thinking what is the perfect weight to achieve. Personally I am thinking around 80 with 180 cm. The analyse of fat still says 29% so I would have remaining...
Hi! The vitamin I’m taking has 800UG of Vitamin A included, and after a quick Google that seems like too much daily? I don’t rant to develop osteoporosis! Thanks
any type or herb or food that might that is an anti cholinergic? and what foods or herbs raise choline aside from pasture raised eggs?
What would be better/more effective? 84 consecutive hours of fasting or 120 hours ADF style (3 40 hour fasts) throughout the week
Hello everyone, I am new to this place and was just curious about fasting I really don’t need to lose any weight, so that wouldn’t be my primary reason. I just hear lots of good things about fasting it can...
What are your go to meals that are balanced with proteins, fiber, and fat?
Like steroids, let's say you're using something like glucosamine or creatine. If you take lots over the long run, is it possible that your body will stop producing them naturally?
I've been on IF before and hav fantastic results. With gym I could lose about 20 kg. But the older I get the less results I have. Now I'm M30 and my weight is 114 kg and height 185cm. After...
I recently heard this claim. Was wondering if it's true
Why don’t more people eat them or at least talk more about their unique nutrient profiles? Is it just that they’re gross? is that they’re tied to toxic masculinity and other disliked subcultures (in the west), or something of that...
Or is it a myth?
So I’ve read and heard that animal offals are the real superfoods as they are crazy nutrient dense. Pâté is mostly chicken liver and skin, but then it also has other additives and preserves and whatnot. Just wondering what everyone thinks...
Say you're getting at most 7-8% of your calories from added sugars which is within almost all standards for a healthy individual. Does lowering it to say 5% or giving it up altogether have any proven extra benefits? Whether in your...
Title. (I'm not exercising much, I'll admit)
Can someone point out the pros/cons of each and if one is ultimately better or worse for the goal of detoxing (just giving my body a break from alcohol and not-so-healthy food, as a "reset") and losing weight? I'd prefer...
Would there be any downsides to exclusively using fruit as your carb source? The rest of the diet would essentially just be meat and vegetables, no grains or roots/tubers.
When guidelines say that you should have 37 grams of sugar per day, does that just mean added sugar or does it include natural sugar as well?
Just got my blood results back and surprised to see that I have higher than normal bilirubin levels. I need to speak with my GP to investigate this further. Has anyone else gotten this from fasting? I’m female and it...
18:6 with an eating window that opens at 5PM and closes at 11PM. I largely chose this window because I want to be able to eat dinner with my family (we're not all together for any other daily meals) and...
just like title says, please explain and thanks.
Hey everyone, I (M/30) started doing intermittent fasting about 45 days ago. I was really happy with the results. I dropped about 19 pounds in the first 4 weeks, bringing me from 359lbs down to 340lbs. I find...
I’m doing 18:6 and OMAD, and have been experiencing a lot of aching/pain in my kidneys, usually just one at a time. I’m drinking tons of water. Has anyone else experienced this? Should I be worried?
What diseases and or infections can fasting heal?
I was diagnosed with full blown diabetes and immediately started an aggressive fasting program. I have fasted in the past and I don't know why I stopped. Within two weeks I went from 232 to 220lbs. My fasting...
SW: 270 CW: 251 GW:130 I've been doing ADF, fasting M-W-F eating in a 4 hour window on Tues/Thur/Sat/Sun for the past three weeks with absolutely zero change in weight. I was doing OMAD before which is how I lost...
Did anything do an extended water only fast (mine was ~80 hours) and experience bad jaundice in your eyes and abdominal pain? It’s cleared up about a week later but I was wondering if that had to do with autophagy...
I’ve been stopping eating after breakfast and lunch, 6Am-noon most days. It’s been surprisingly easy. I did this mainly because I saw some people report better sleep when doing so and since my sleep sucks, I dove in...
Been intermittent fasting for over a month now, the Fastic app reporting my average daily fast being 17.5 hrs. Anyhow, had not drank any alcohol since Oct.28th. Starting fasting Nov.4 and feeling good, haven’t missed a day. ...
I know that the recommendations are to have a balanced diet instead of supplementing, but if one wants to be honest it is very difficult to understand and apply constantly the norms of a perfect diet so: for someone who...