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Lose the most weight - AND maintain hair?

Hi everyone! Just to start with the question.. pretty basic probably but: if your goal was to lose the last… mmm probably 20 lbs all while maintaining your hair growth and health, what would you follow?

So :) I am an experienced faster. Five or six years ago I was over 210 lbs at a small framed 5’4” female. I lost a ton of weight ultimately through keto/fasting. Luckily, i’ve been able to maintain most of my losses over the years. The lowest I have ever been is 132 lbs after a 7 day fast three years ago. Right now (33 years old), I sit at 145 lbs and I’m thinking I should be more like 120. I have been going back and forth with trying to lose these final pounds for so long cuz I’m still so chubbies - I’ve got pinchable fat on my belly, my upper arms… my thighs… I’m tired of feeling “right there, but not quite” I should be SHREDDED by now! 😂

I love dry fasting and think it’s a great healing tool but to be honest.. I had a scary experience a couple of days ago where I almost fainted in the shower (which surprised me because I didn’t even realize how dehydrated I was and I’m usually very responsible with my electrolytes) - so I’m taking a break from that.

Regardless though - besides fat loss, one of my main concerns is the health of my hair. I’ve lost a lot of it probably all my extended fasting but also from the couple times I got COVID last year and I’m trying desperately to grow it back as long and thick as possible.

I was thinking about 72s with salmon refeeds instead of spam…. Or maybe with supplementing. I keep reading through posts on this board and am finding all sorts of interesting but conflicting information as far as refeeds go

I’m essentially just curious on your thoughts, experiences, and what has worked for you Thank you xx

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This is a struggle for me. I have been slowing having my hair thinning from my peak the last two years or so. Its depressing. But I had to ask myself do I want to be fat and balding or lean and balding. I chose lean and balding. Its going to happen to most men anyway because of androgens you have 0 control over. I use rogaine and i cant tell if its helping or not. If it gets too bad i will just be a chrome dome for life. I refuse to look like a monk.


In the same boat. Is it pointless to be taking Dut everyday while fasting meanwhile your hair is gonna fall anyway? It’s not cheap here in Australia lol so just wondering if I should stop taking it or only take it a few times a week..

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