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Loss of appetite with OMAD

Has anyone else experienced a total lack of appetite after doing OMAD? I have only done it for a week and I have since lost my appetite. I do not get hungry even when my window approaches. I assume this is due to the gremlin hormone? I also vape a lot I am not sure if that affects it. When it’s time to eat I don’t really want to eat a lot and I’m worried I might not get enough vitamins or something negative. Anyone have experienced this or know any cons?

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Yes, my first experience with IF was 22/2. Committed to 7 days. Was quite easy because hunger came in short waves, around noon, 2pm and then felt fatigued around 4pm but then energetic around 6pm and not very hungry around 8pm at dinner time. It was incredibly insightful to learn about hunger, and similar to emotions, it passes.


I’m noticing this too! I started IF 16:8 two weeks ago which quickly morphed into OMAD. I haven’t had food since around noon yesterday and I STILL have no appetite now, the next day at 6pm. I’m going to eat but I’m just not hungry.


It’s normal for the body to lose appetite as it adjusts to longer fasts. The body is becoming more efficient with nutrient usage, so yes grehlin and other hormones are involved. I eat until I am satisfied and focus on eating plenty of healthy fats and vegetables.


I’m a week into OMAD and noticing this too! I don’t vape and I make myself eat a big meal but today I felt like I was struggling to get through what would be considered a small meal. I feel like it will even out and it’s just my body getting used to everything but it’s still weird to go 22 hours and have like zero appetite for anything but a fancy coffee with milk and sugar.


I started with a longer window, and found that I wasn’t hungry and kept shrinking it. But once I start eating the hunger comes back, typically leading to one large and tremendously satisfying meal.

You might try starting with a small amount of a relatively high-GI food, which will kickstart hunger for some people.


yeah, it comes and goes for me. and when i do eat sometimes i feel full after very little.

sounds like you are over the hardest part in the beginning, which is adjusting to the lack of food, i am not an expert, but the body/brain gets used to a certain level of things and taking it away can make you almost feel like you are going through with drawls, but sounds like you are passed that, or it didnt really have its hooks in you in the first place.


Yes, plus you must be having healthy food instead of the carb/ sugar-laden junk that’s manufactured to be addictive & makes us want more of it.. it’s one of the best things about OMAD, that I’ve trained my body & mind to only want to eat at a certain time instead of eating anytime/ all the time.. taught me self-discipline, plus my brain doesn’t go into panic mode thinking about food because I know there’s food coming during my eating window & I realised how much of my eating was emotional eating and eating out of boredom.. if you feel you’re not getting enough nutrition, have nutrition dense foods and/ or supplements

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