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Mental block while attempting to fast?

Hi everyone. 25 m here. 5 ft 9 120KG/265lbs (aka very fat)

I have done some prolonged fasting in the past (72 hours) and I did them back to back. I lost nearly all of my excess weight and got in great shape. Was feeling great. I had gotten down to 88KG/194lbs

I didn’t have much of a plan after I was finished with fasting. So after some time I began to eat poorly again and gain some weight back,but not much because I was training in marital arts. After a few months I got injured and turned to food for comfort and gained a ton of weight back. All of it. Which is where I’m at now.

My injuries are gone and I have been eating clean, daily tracking calories etc. But I am still incredibly overweight and barely fit my clothes. I know I need to be patient but I really want to do some long fasts again, not to lose all the weight but at least just to speed up this initial bit of weight so I can fit in my clothes and not have this low self esteem.

I know this time around after a few long fasts, I will make sure to settle straight into eating healthy and tracking daily calories like I have been doing, so that I don’t balloon up again. Basically i have a post fasting plan this time.

CRUCKS OF THE MATTER: I have been trying to do some long fasts again in order to speed up the initial part of my weight loss, but I get nauseous just at the thought of it? I seem to have some sort of mental block. When I go to my fasting app and click “begin fast” I get nauseous all of a sudden, it happens instantly. Even if I haven’t began a fast but start thinking about starting one I get nauseous. it’s so strange and frustrating. And the moment I give in and decide I’m not gonna fast because of the nauseousness - the nauseousness goes away.

Has anyone ever experienced this or have any advice? Thank you

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I don’t know if it matters to you, but for me, what helped was dirty fasting. I guess tecnically not fasting for many on here. But, I had great results fasting and took time off after getting sick. Then, I tried to go back to clean fast and just couldn’t. So, I eased into it, I had coffee with cream and the occasional pickles while doing OMAD, then moving back into rolling 2-4 day fasts.

My one thing, though, was making sure I was taking my electrolytes. Because that can really cause all sorts of issues.


Omads with a focus on limiting things that hold on glycogen stores. Anti-inflammatory diet. A cup or 2 electrolytes daily. Try a natural laxative to get out food waste.For me, I have to stay away from friends as they eat poorly and the people bacteria causes hunger. Gotta keep Probiotics in line with the health side of food.


Fasting is a stressful thing to do, and it seems your mind is unconsciously responding to going down that journey again. You can do it, you just need get past this initial road bump. If I were you I’d go back to the basics, with 16/8 schedule and adjust from there.

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