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My period restarts every time I break my fast

Every time I refeed I restart my period.

F 35 5’2 SW 180 CW 170 GW 110 Hi everyone, I started IF/extended fasting about 6 weeks ago, I lost 20 pounds pretty fast. I’ve been playing with OMEOD, OMAD and fasts no longer than 90 hours.

2 weeks ago I had a very short period around my usual time. I figured it was short because of the sudden change to eating/weight loss, etc.

I was eating OMAD last week and started my cycle a few days ago. I figured it was cause my body needed to. However, I’ve been practicing OMEOD and every time I eat, my period restarts with a vengeance when it was previously tapering off.

Obviously my body is telling me to eat so I’m going to listen, but what interval should I follow? And does anyone know why this is happening? I have more than enough BF that my period shouldn’t stop by fasting.

PS def not pregnant or able to conceive.

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Fasting can mess with your periods and that’s OK. Also, weight loss can do it- fat produces estrogen so if you’re loosing fat quickly, it can mess with the estrogen/progesterone levels in your body and do weird things with your period as well. So it’s a long term good thing, but short term weird thing.

If your periods don’t get crazy long (10+ days) or anything like that I wouldn’t worry about it. Loosing weight as fast as you do while fasting causes the same sorts of period weirdness that coming off birth control does. When your weight stablalizes you’ll get into another regular cycle.

Just my experience and some research- if you’re really worried see if you can find a fasting friendly doc- but my period was weird when I was fasting and then became better and more regular than ever when I stopped.

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Categories: extended fasting omad weight loss a fast