Any recommendations? It’s worth it or should I stick to DF. I’m doing it for health maintenance/prevention
I'm planning on doing a 21 day fast, cos I've done short ones before. Do you just eat like normal leading up to the fast, or should you start lessening the food and types of foods, and how many days...
I've been doing OMAD for about a year, and have always wanted to try an extended fast. Do you guys eat a regular sized meal before starting your fast? Me with no experience would think a large meal would help...
I have been working up towards an extended water fast and I know that it has effects on the heart. I use nicotine pouches as I have been quitting smoking and those increase your heart rate. Should I be worried...
I feel great! Been fasting for about 16 hours a day or longer for the past two weeks. I’ve been losing a lot of weight and water weight. I weighed 495 about three and a half weeks ago and now...
been fasting for 20 days, having some issues that make me really want a drink. how long do i have to wait and what should i eat rn to get this process started
Hey, for those who have done both extended fast and OMAD, how different is the weight loss? I want to lose a substantial amount of weight. I'm very comfortable doing OMAD, but I'm wondering how much more would I lose...
Hi, I'm a 36F with a goal of losing 60 lbs (5'8", SW 230 lbs, GW 170lbs). I am really interested in doing extended fasts (5 days, then 7, 10, 14). I have a couple questions for you more...
How 'bad' is taking stimulants on an extended fast? I have been prescribed methylphenidate (aka ritalin) but I am not familiar with potential side effects this drug might have when taken in a fasted state. ​ Thx
Hi, Apologies if this was covered in some of the threads already made. Couldn’t find it or I may have missed it. Would coffee, green tea etc be okay on extended fasts ? By coffee I mean just espressos really. I...
I would like to start doing strength training to tighten everything up, but I want to make sure I don't do more harm than good
I've got about 30 to 40lbs to lose and I'm wanting to do extended (48hrs+) fasting, but I also don't want to lose what little muscle mass I have and would like to continue building. Is it possible?...
For those that have done long dry fasts, did you prepare in any way before starting your dry fasting? (Intestinal and liver cleanses, enemas, diet changes, supplements taken days before fasting, etc.) And do you think any preparation is necessary?...
I’m getting a rather comprehensive blood panel done sometime in the next two week, and I’m curious if anyone is aware of anything that would significantly skew blood work results during an extended fast of 3+ days? Thanks!
Is it better to do one extended fast (20-30 days) or rolling shorter fasts (like 72-96 hours)? I just broke what I thought would be an extended fast at 115 hours due to peer pressure (new job had a...
I'm just getting into extended fasting, normally all i'll drink is coffee, water, and bouillon, but I do occasionally crave a diet soda. So i'm wondering if during an extended fast, like 3+ days, a...
Like what brand
So far the only thing I focused on was making sure I had electrolytes, but should I be taking any multivitamins on a 14-30 day fasts?
Assuming I'm willing to give up on maximizing autophagy, can I drink Gatorade zero for electrolytes and to help get me through the fast. I know they don't have the necessary electrolytes I need but it's better than salty water....
Is it just me. or is the first poop after a fast just REALLY smelly. I mean like, smells absolutely rancid and disgusting? A lot more than normal anyway. Anyone else?
I just want to know if it is safe, if there are any adverse effects of using or anyone's experience with doing that. I am talking about 20 min sauna 5 time a week. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks in...
I find that when I sleep after day 1 I just sink into my mattress and fall into a deep dreamless sleep, and don’t even sense the time passing. Then I feel surprised that it’s morning already, and when I...
Hi there! I am planning to do 72 hour fast and looking into magnesium supplements but very confused due to the ingredients list and unsure of the efficacy of brands. Does anyone have experience with a good vegetarian magnesium supplement (in...
Wouldn’t your liver run out of glucagon at some point?
I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism and was wondering if anyone with this condition has done an extended water fast? If so, did you still take your medication everyday while on the fast? What were your experiences like in terms...
I'm 5'7 215 lbs and on a 10 day water fast. Should I continue my workout routine of lifting heavy three times a week and doing cardio three times a week, or should I tone it down?
I’m currently trying to do my first 72hrs fast in a while. But I’m now 34hrs in and feel very nauseous. I’ve been having 2 LMNT packs of electrolytes a day with about 2-2.5L water. Is this a sign that...
before I started this fast, I used to sleep like a rock. but now I wake up so easily and so early. the other day I woke up at 4:30 and just today my sibling was running around getting ready...
I am quite far along in my fasting weight loss journey and nearing my goal weight, so I've started doing monthly extended fasts (72s) to keep myself from plateauing. It sort of has gotten me interested in what might be...
I normally water fast a minimum of 16 hours a day, all the way up to 48. I break it primarily to eat protein after lifting at the gym. Recently I injured myself (pulled a muscle or strained something in...
Hi folks who get their period! Has anyone noticed a difference in their period while fasting? Specifically taking any hormonal form of BC? I'm hoping to do a 48-hour fast while on my period, possibly longer.
I’ve got an annoying case of dry tongue and I’m unsure of what to do. Currently taking a ton of [these](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fasting-Salts-Capsules-Electrolyte-Supplement/dp/B08GZ7MJL1/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?adgrpid=69308367266&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItKr2korC_AIVs2DmCh1jcAArEAAYASAAEgKNGfD_BwE&hvadid=346291181464&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=1006864&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=9421085908126292581&hvtargid=kwd-441315940236&hydadcr=7606_1761074&keywords=electrolytes+for+fasting&qid=1673528146&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1&smid=A2MCCJBUKC9BHM) each day but really starting to struggle
Hi everyone. I have done a few 7 day fasts before. This time I am shooting for 10 days. Here is my issue. My other fasts I always ended up starting them at 13% body fat. This one I began at...
Hi, I used to be able to do 14 day fasts (no food, just salty water). However, I have become more fat, and now when I get to 48h mark, I get dizzy and weak. Also, when...
I’m about 96 hours in and all I can think about is food. Literally watching Alton brown all day.
I just wanted to know what people do for their bad taste / keto breathe remedies are. I use a tongue scraper every few hours but boy does it get unbearable sometimes. I even get slightly nausea from the taste....
I do OMAD every time, and I recently decided to start extended fasting(48 and 72 hours), and I could only sleep for 4 to 5 hours max. Does anyone have a similar experience?
Hey guys i recently finished an extended dry fast (9 total days)a few days ago and since then i’ve been eating everyday throughout the day with no schedule and i’m wondering when its best to resume my normal intermittent and...
Hi guys! Since I believe that everyone has their own thought I decided to flair it as disucssion and not a question. But I'm jumping back on the fasting wagon, easing into it during december by starting IF and slowly increasing...
If I go beyond 2 days, I get cramps and sleep like total garbage. I keep tossing and turning all night. It's pretty frustrating, as I've completed longer fasts before (30 days, 17 days, 15 days, 7 days, numerous 3-6...
I’ve been dabbling with extended fasts recently, and I’ve decided that I want to incorporate them regularly, once a month. I have PCOS and now that my cycle has finally started to become regular, I’m looking for ideas on what...
I read that extended fasting can cause TE even months after the fast. Also as a fat person trying to lose weight, would being in a caloric deficit for a year or longer cause TE or any other type of...
I’ve gotta say, it’s so funny how during the initial hunger pangs of these long fasts you feel like you absolutely canNOT go on and once you do (usually overnight for me)the next morning you feel like you can conquer...
Pretty much what the title says. I’m planning to do an extended water fast (with electrolytes/vitamins) and wondering if anyone else is planning to do the same? Would love to have someone to chat with during this. Additionally please feel...
Could someone give me a simple "Order this thing and that thing, take them this often and you can fast for like 6 months if you have the willpower for it." Please and thank you 😊
For context, I’ve been doing IF (19:5) for about 6 months and absolutely love it. I’m currently at the end of a keto cycle and want to finish with a 48 hour fast; but am concerned as to what I...
How do you guys do it? I can't seem to make it passed 36 hours before I become extremely dysfunctional. Would adrenal cocktails help?
As the title suggests, I would love to read about research regarding those embarking on extended fasts for prolonged periods, let us say over 3 months. Do they experience musle loss? If so, does it adversely affect their metabolism in...
Hunger doesn’t bother me but damnnnnn I *feel* terrible. Weak, shaky, light-headed. I’m concerned about overdoing it with the salt and causing an osmotic laxative effect, but maybe I’m not having enough. Should I just listen to my body and...
So I have been super tired and sleepy for the last weeks, really low in energy, so I went to have my blood tested and it turns out I have a very low iron level on my blood and a...
Hey y’all. I’m sorry if this is a stupid question but what do you think about lifting weights while EXTENDED fasting? I’ve been exploring fasting for over a year. I’ve done cardio during extended fasts. But what about lifting weights...
Does anyone have a similar experience or any links to information on this topic? For me, its weird and pleasant, but I want to know why. I'm an experienced faster and I've done numerous 16 day, 13 day, 8 day...
I ate a keto diet for a long time and now I do Weight Watchers; my trainer thought I needed something more sustainable because I had some hinges on keto. I do a 60 hour fast once a week and...
Just wondering if anyone has any experience with sport in a fasted state. I play baseball 3 times a week, when it's not raining (2 games, 1 practice session, spaced 2-3 days apart). I'd like to do some extended fasting, maybe...
Trying my first extended water fast (48+) and I'm worried about hair loss the other things that come with mineral and vitamin deficiency so I'm taking liquid multivitamins 3 times a day and adding electrolytes to my water. The 24...
Planning a 30 day fast and am looking for a multivitamin to replace the one I already have. The one I have now is a tablet but I would really prefer a capsule. I'm currently on Amazon looking for one,...
I’m a 21M and I started doing a couple extended fast to try to help with some chronic issues. I’ve only gone as far as 2 days. I’m aiming for 3-4 this time to see if it makes a bigger...
I’m so curious how people with families fast for longer periods. I’m the primary cook in the household, and I have to taste food to adjust seasonings. Never mind standing over food for a couple of hours and not eating!...
I have social plans on Friday evening that would have me eating (and likely drinking some wine) from roughly 7-8 PM. Then I have brunch on Sunday morning around 10 AM, which will also likely include champagne. I have been...
I'm no stranger to extended fasting, however, I have never really added exercise beyond my daily physical activity at the shop. I hurt my back a few months ago. No pain, and I'm functioning otherwise 'normally', but I've got crazy...
My business partners meet me over zoom and I’m wondering if it would be feasible on there. Let me know your experience!
I do this for religious reasons but you’re welcome to join for any reason. :)
Have you noticed any downsides when with your extended/ rolling fasts? Especially those who have lost all their weight by practicing extended or rolling fasts. Also, if you did have some hurdles, how did you oovercome them? Men can offer their...
Started just before midnight on new years eve. Haven't eaten since. Did electrolytes for 2 days. Felt fine, like I could've gone longer. But caved in after grocery shopping. Since I've never done extended before what can I expect about stomach...
So I’ve done 28 days with just water and electrolytes. Felt decent the whole time but didn’t have a lot of energy. 28 days with water only. Worked my butt of the entire time doing manual labor in the heat....
So I just finished my first 5-day dry fast a little over a week ago and I’ve noticed that my sex drive is diminished, not as strong as it was from beforehand. Has this happened to anyone else? The urge...
So I just finished my third extended fast, made it to 96 hours this time. The "old, junkiest proteins first" idea seems to hold true, as last time my knee injury cleared up and this time my elbow injury healed, and...
A lot of people showed interest in starting a fast 1 March and having a group chat for accountability. I can start one but does anyone have any recommendations on which platform keeping privacy in mind? Maybe Telegram? EDIT: Here is...
I've done a 6 day fast a couple times and I felt fine but has anyone had trouble? Has the weight loss and energy gain been noticeable for you?
So I am planning on starting a regime focusing on losing 5 pounds a month. I have been stalling on Omad for a couple of months and even gained some weight from my binges during holiday season. I am going...
I'm nearing the end of my first extended fast - will be at 46 hours when I eat tonight. I timed it so I'd only have one night of sleep after a whole day of not eating as I notoriously...
Wonderful women of r/xxfasting! So a number have decided to join in! Great news :) My starting stats: CW: 73.7kg BF: 29.7% I don't have a goal weight but I'd like to see if I can drop my BF percentage by 2-3%. I'm also keen to...
I'm not sure if I want to kick off with a 21-30 day fast (I have done 21 before) and then transition into 72s, or just start off with 72s. I'm leaning towards trying the 21-30. So, now.. I am far...
I want to give up fast food completely. I stopped for 3 months before then go hack to it. When I do, I go overboard with my eating. I like healthy foods and I enjoy what I cook, but I...
Could use all the encouragement and tips! This sub has allowed me to do up to a 36 hr fast but now I’m seeing how long I can do it this time! Hoping to make it to hour 37! Edit: made...
Hey people, so i read alot about fasting and it seems like for the full effect you need anything between 10 to 14 days. Today i eat about 1500 kalories, tommorow less than 1k and the day after 500. I want...
I have been intermittent fasting using the 16:8, 18:6, and 20:4 method consistently for some time. I find that if I fast for longer than 20 hours I get low blood sugars (cold sweats, dizziness, head rush/vision goes black when...
Hello everyone, As some might know it is the month of Ramadan and muslims around the world dry fast during the day and eat at night. People do it in different way but I personally eat one a day after...
I fast on a daily basis 16hr to 24hrs max. i have tried fasting 36hrs as my longest before. What should I do to prepare myself for extended fast 48-72hrs? And what should I avoid doing (excessive exercise?) during the fast?...
I've been browsing the sub, and it seems like a lot agree that rolling 72s/96s are optimal for sustainability, but how, if you're limited? For me personally, I don't have a lot of room for food storage, so prepping a...
My longest soft dry fast was 5 days. But typically I DF for 3 days, as stage 1 to my 7-10 day water fast. I wouldn't go more than 5 days on my own without supervision, but 5 days seems...
I'm a nurse that works 90% graveyard shifts. I've completed a 7 day fast a couple years ago basically as an exercise in self discipline, however I was working day shift at the time. Ive definitely experienced a drop in...
I'm 5 days in of a real long fast (Around 30 days) in hopes to thoroughly clean my organs and skin, and I was wondering if anybody here has any success with allergies being cured.
I just completed a 74 hour fast and refed yesterday and have started another fast. I don't know if it will be 48 or 72. I had no problems with the first fast except I had trouble sleeping and...
I’m 10 months post op for gastric sleeve. I have been fasting for the past 4 days for mental health reasons. I plan to break my fast tomorrow as I know I need to get some protein into my body....
I’d like to just fast untill all my excess weight comes off and then maintain with keto omad. I got about 70 lbs to lose. I’ve done a 10 day fast before. What leghts are recommended here and what has...
About to start an extended water fast, or already doing one? What day are you up to and what's your goal? I think it would be great to have this in one thread so we can motivate each other!
I have done multiple 60-70h fasts but every time I fast I become very lethargic and I just lie on my couch for hours. I take plenty of electrolytes thoughout the day but it doesn’t help. I feel good but...
I’ve been doing 48s and then 72s for a while but find I really struggle in the 2-3 days leading up to my period as well as on day 1 of my cycle. I know Megan Ramos has addressed this...