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Newbie fasting advice welcome

Hey guys. So this is my first time ever fasting and wow has it been an absolute struggle. I am STARVING currently I am 5 hours away from completing a 24 hours fast. I been slowly mentally preparing myself to attempt a 3 day fast. I have been doing this in an effort to reshape my life. Some background I’m a guy 29 years old. 5 years ago I was relatively healthy with a normal bmi and though I did not exercise much I managed to maintain it, but then…. I went through a traumatic experience, I won’t go into details but essentially it put me in a Bad spot mentally. Without a care in the world, lack of guidance and overall sense of defeat. I let my body go. For five straight years I lived a life of little care. I ate and ate and ate. Even when I was beyond full I continued to eat. A typical day would consist of being well over 4 to 5 times the recommended daily intake of calories… 4 months ago I finally came out of my rut. And am ready to start living again… but I have a long journey ahead of me. Though I have now begun to eat better and exercise again , years of high caloric eating has taken its toll. I am 6ft and weigh 334lbs … just living regularly again the last 4 months has gotten me down to 325. But the desire to eat is engraved in Me. It tears at my soul and even now I push to keep the voices out. I am hoping that if begin fasting for longer periods of time. Perhaps I can turn this around and reduce these cravings. They are so powerful and it’d overwhelming. If I lose my resolve I won’t just eat. I’ll BINGE so please tell me this is worth it and that it gets better. I want to start living again

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Does a lot of your eating revolve around starches at fats together??. I noticed most processed food is this and its the combo that makes you actually continue to be hungry despite eating a big meal. Where as protein and fiber satiate. Check this article https://optimisingnutrition.com/satiety-index/

Im starting to lean towards mono meals and simple eating and 18 to 19 hour fasts like the buddhists do. I figure they re onto the right way. Its longer than 16 so more autophagy. Have you noticed we tend to eat less if we dont mix foods together so much. Like water for example. Its like our body tells us when to stop. But when we mix this muddies the water.

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