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No Food December

Anyone else crazy enough to join me?

After a successful first half of the year, I’ve been having a rough second half and made zero progress, maybe even gained a little. Gotta finish out the year strong! LOL. I’m getting a new drivers license at the end of the year so I have extra motivation as my score will go on my semi-permanent record, haha.

I’m honestly just sick of food at this point and just want to reach my goal already, as I’ve been at it for just over a year now, Nov. 16th was actually my first long-term fast, I did ADF for 8 weeks. I’ve also done a month of rolling 3:1 and my longest fast was 8 days in a row.

Looking forward to the mental challenge, even doing a 2 day head start by not eating today and tomorrow. My biggest concern however is the cold…

Update: I’m gonna post updates every Wednesday, as well as the last 2 days! I’m feeling hyped! The extra accountability obligations will hopefully help me stick it out.

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I want to but the part that’s concerning me is Christmas without the food haha, I need my rum and turkey lol ill give it a go, but probably until the 20th so I can do a slow refeed before my time off workb


I like your idea of finishing out this year strong. I cannot do anything close to a month but will happily start it with you.

The cold and damp make it more challenging but I am trying to up the time spent outside with some strolling to keep my spirits up and fat burning. Good luck!


I’ll join in starting today, I’ll go until my goal weight of under 190, currently 199. So I’ll be here for at least 2 weeks lol. I’ve done 12 days before but this will be the longest fortune. I’ll comment something on your update days if I don’t forget.


I would looooove to do this but i work a mildly active job (on my feet all day), i have the ingredients for electrolytes water, has anyone done extended fasts like this with snake juice and felt good throughout?


Go for it boss. I’m planning to do a no-food-M-F and keto ish on the weekend until Christmas week. Although, if I’m handling it fine, I may push through the weekend. Longest fast I’ve done so far has been Sunday night to Friday night, and I started to feel weird by Friday

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