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No Food December: Week 0 - It Begins!

I honestly didn’t expect so many people would join me! For the unaware: we’re fasting all of December in order to finish out the year strong, and hopefully resolve some new year’s resolutions while there is still time!

I’m feeling very hyped right now, even took a 2 day head start! Just took some before pics so I can post progress pics when this is over! I suggest you all do the same, even if you don’t intend to post them.

I salute all you crazy mofos who decided to join me in this insane challenge!


Update: forgot to mention that I’ll be posting weekly updates every Wednesday, plus the last 2 days of the month! Excited to see who among us make it through to the other side!

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So probably not going to do the whole month, but about the same time you decided to do that, I decided to fast to 190. I was 200.7 (up a little from not fasting as much and eating too many calories lol) and currently two days in at 197.6. If I’m still feeling good/strong at 190 I might push farther to 185 or 180.

I believe in you guys! Keep those minerals up and best of luck!


Fat old fart checking in.

Not planning on reaching my goal this december though (I have no specific intermediary target weight). Gonna water fast till 22 Dec cause no way am I gonna fast on Xmas :)


I also started at the same time as you, nice coincidence. Guess we’ll be fasting together!Currently on my 3rd day.Starting weight: 111kg, 245lbWeight on the start of 3rd day: 107kg, 236lbNotes: no concerns. Pretty easy. Our stats are almost the same too! Also 28M, 6’0.

Also if your cold, try taking boron. It increases the expression of thermogenic proteins. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3686143/

The study was done in mice and only a sample size of 12. Decided to try it, and it works quite well. Noticed the effects in 3-4 days. Ive always been very resistant to cold but with boron, even moreso.


I’ll join in for as long as I can. I’m at 44 hours into a fast. I am trying to lose some loose skin (6 babies - not all at once) and undo some damage from a high sugar diet most of my life. I’m already at a healthy bmi so I’ll just stop when I experience hunger whether that’s 5 days or 15.

40F 161cm 57.35 kg yesterday, 56.2 kg today.

To try to help with skin I have 20g collagen with water once every morning and just water with electrolytes other than that.


started at 12am today woo

23F, 5’6” starting at 160 (weighed myself yesterday; pretty sure it’s the heaviest ive ever been)

goal weight: 117 (where I was at last year)

shooting for 2 weeks but might go the whole month depending on how I feel

let’s do this, guys!!!! this is exciting lol


Hey op! Probably gonna end my fast around December 20th or so but I’ve been fasting for a couple days now so I’m at 90 hours :) Will def look out for your posts hehe.

Starting stats: 22F, 5’7”, 226 lbs


Started the fast on 12/1 at 8.30 PM. It’s been 2 hrs or so. I am planning to either 2 weeks or 400 hrs for now. Depending on how I feel might go till the end. This will be my second extended fasting. Hope it works.

30 F5’4”SW: 172 lbsGW: 132 lbs

Wish me luck!!


I had planned to start an extended fast today but I gave in because of some excuse (the avocados were perfectly ripe lol) but I am starting again and want to go until my birthday- December 20th. It’s Sagittarius szn. We can do it


Started yesterday on an open ended fast to jump start myself. I’ve got a ton to lose (well a tenth of a ton technically). I’ll try to do the whole month as well. Thanks for starting up the group!

46 M 6’0”CW: 392GW: 200 (eventually)

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