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No weight loss for last three 72-84 hour fasts?

I’m hoping someone can talk me down from the ledge of giving-up or has any insight why I’m not losing weight.

I had a baby 3 months ago and I have been trying to lose the baby weight. After an initial 10lbs loss, my weight loss has completely stalled. I’ve been doing 72-84 hour water-only fasts once a week (with LMNT electrolytes once a day), or sometimes I’ll have one cup of bone broth on day 3. On the days I eat, I try to choose low-glycemic index foods and select foods as nutritionally dense as possible.

For the last 3 fasts, I start my fast at 158/157 lbs and never get below 155 lbs. I just finished a 4 day fast and I’m at 156 lbs. I’m at a loss why I’m not losing weight. I tried introducing IF/keto on my feed days and it had no impact.

I’ve tried every diet, and fasting was the ONLY way I was able to lose weight with my first pregnancy. I don’t understand what has changed. The only difference is I am currently anemic (due to blood loss during c-section) and I’m supplementing with liquid iron/b-12. Also, this time I’m only 3 months postpartum (with the first pregnancy I was 18 months).

Anyone have any insight or encountered similar stalls?

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Firstly, congratulations on your new baby! It’s important to remember that your body has been through a lot, and weight loss may not happen as quickly or easily as it did with your first pregnancy.

It’s also important to note that weight loss is not always a linear process and can be affected by many factors, including hormonal changes, stress levels, and sleep patterns. Fasting can be a helpful tool for weight loss, but it’s not a magic solution and may not be appropriate for everyone.

It’s concerning that you’re not seeing any weight loss progress despite your efforts. This could be due to several reasons, such as an underlying medical condition, medication side effects, or an insufficient calorie deficit. It’s crucial to speak with a healthcare professional to ensure that your fasting regimen is safe and appropriate for your current health status, particularly given that you’re anemic and supplementing with iron and B12. They can also help you identify any potential barriers to weight loss and create a personalized plan to help you reach your goals.

In addition to consulting with a healthcare professional, you may want to consider keeping a food diary to track your caloric intake and ensure that you’re in a calorie deficit. This can help you identify any areas where you may be overeating or consuming high-calorie foods. Additionally, incorporating exercise into your routine can help boost your metabolism and promote weight loss.

Lastly, it’s important to remember that weight loss is not the only indicator of health. Focus on nourishing your body with healthy foods and engaging in activities that make you feel good. Don’t be too hard on yourself, and remember that sustainable weight loss takes time and patience.


I have not given birth, but I can say that my fasting weight loss would stall when the fasting was working on healing my body from something else first.

Your uterus only just finished shrinking, and your body is still putting it self back together, I would just give it the time it needs first.


I assume your body is still healing, and I would imagine it wants to breastfeed, or at least it thinks it does. So it could be holding onto everything because it needs to stock up to provide nutrients to your baby?

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