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Oat Milk

Hi! Long time listener, first time caller… how detrimental is it to my weight loss if I have a little oat milk with my coffee in the mornings before my fast is over? I’m talking like two teaspoons if that. Thanks!

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As others have said, its a dirty fast, but if you’re trying to lose weight, its fine as long as you count it in your calories. I did it the whole time (but unsweetened almond milk, little lower cals) and didn’t hinder my weight loss at all


It’s called a dirty fast when you consume 100 calories or less, total, during your fast. Milk in my coffee is my weakness too lmao. It does technically break your fast, like any calories, but the effects of ~15 calories of oat milk are basically negligible


It’s not that the calories are an issue so much as the fact that it can trigger your hunger and make it much harder to fast as long as you’d planned. The whole “clean fast” thing isn’t a purity test, holier-than-thou thing, it’s really just easier for a lot of people. The difference between white-knuckling your way through the last hours of your fast or not.


Some people on here have had great success with “dirty” fasting, some people had to drop that to lose the weight. I have found the quality of the coffee I drink greatly reduces the need to add anything to it.

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