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Okay to take weekends off?

Can I still benefit from a 16:8 lifestyle if I don’t follow it on weekends? I usually like to make breakfast on weekends, or go out late to explore fun food spots late at night, making it hard to impossible to stick to a fasting window.

So does it work if I just fast during the week? Or is it like Leto diet where once you get your body into ketosis, you have to stay there for the benefits?

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Intermittent Fasting is not the diet. What you eat when you eat is the diet. If you go on a bender every weekend your results will be marginal, no two ways about it.

That being said, my Dungeons and Dragons game is every other Sunday night and my DM buys everyone these huge bacon cheeseburgers & fries from the nearby pub and I’m not telling him to stop.


Hey mate, worked for me. Been doing it for the last 6 months and have dropped around 15kg. During the week I’ll do 20:4 sometimes OMAD, workout 4-5 days a week and on the weekends I’ll go out to a restaurant, have a few drinks, do whatever. I won’t gorge or anything, just won’t restrict myself. What works for me, might not work for you. Every body is different.

31yrs old 6ft tall. SW: 100kgs CW: 84kgs.


Depends, are you doing IF for weight loss?

If so, you can easily overeat with free weekends. BUT, if fasting-free weekends help you stick to your overall weekly plan, I think it’s fine to try. At the end of the day, long term sustainability is what matters.

Just keep an eye on how much you are eating. It’s easy to cancel out your weekday progress with weekends if you aren’t careful.


Is it “or” or “and”.

Ie: like to make breakfast AND go out in the evening?

You could adjust your windows if it’s or (as it says).

Honestly not being pedantic btw but reading my reply back it could sound like I am. But to answer your question yes you can take weekends off but obviously the benefits throughout are lower.


I’ve been doing it for 3 months now and weight isn’t coming off as fast as I’d like but I have still lost weight. I don’t go nuts on the weekend and still keep alcoholic drinks to a max of 2 but I’ll have my coffee (with milk and cream) before 10 whereas I normally wait until 12 and I’ll have popcorn or chips with a movie in the evening. If you’re missing big breakfasts, try having it for dinner instead maybe?

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