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Personal challenge time - wanting to drop 5-10kg in 7 weeks (11-22lbs)

I have fallen off the wagon pretty hard since reaching a primary goal of getting under 90kg (198lbs), but the positive side to that is I haven’t put on LOADS. I’m hovering around 92-93kg (203-205lbs) which I’m happy about as I was 103 when I started (227).

I have my work Xmas function in exactly 7 weeks from tomorrow, and I would love to lose a minimum of 5kg/11lbs before then. I’m aware of normal life getting in the way (for example I really wanna go out this Sunday evening for a few beers, and the week before my Xmas function I will be back home visiting family and going to a tattoo festival), but I’ve entered into a small contract with one of my workmates to help it along. She’s looking to lose 2-3kg but has no real motivation for it so I’m offering my motivation as help.

I’ve done this before (many times), but I’m trying to be more conscious of it and I think keeping a timeline on here will help with accountability. I just need to keep on top of good food (I’ve been having lots of takeaway and sweets), fasting correctly (I do a very loose 16:8) and getting back into exercising (been 3 weeks since I’ve even looked at a gym).

If anyone wants to join in on the accountability journey let me know! At the end of this I’ll post up my first ever before/after photos as motivation for myself.

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If you are doing no workout or cardio then just forget about it. Your body won’t be what you want by not eating. You need to work out! I have a shake mid day mon-fri. That’s all I have and I run 2.5 miles every morning and use dumbbells at night. Barely takes any time from my busy life. Just wake up 45 minutes earlier and stay focused! I went from 265lbs to 185lbs in 7 months.

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