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Scale went the wrong way today and I blame the pasta

Up to this point I’ve been averaging almost a pound a day lost but yesterday I made meatballs and pasta and for the first time in a month the scale told me I’m 1.1 lbs heavier instead.

I’m blaming the pasta. The whole meal was under 1000 calories and I was still under 1500 for the entire day. Stupid pasta. Grrr…

I mean, I’m honestly evaluating to find other variables but steps & exercise has been consistent. Roommate was kinda shitty so maybe stress played a role but usually I compensate by eating an extra 5,000 calories when I’m angry and I didn’t. But I still gained that stupid pound.

Anyways, more exercise and steps planned for today as a way to reinvigorate / break-thru, I just needed to rant.

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Hi! You didn’t gain a pound of fat over night - it’s just water retention from the pasta and part of the daily fluctuations we see.

I see you mentioned being a data nerd - I might suggest continuing to weigh daily BUT only use your 7-day average to gauge what’s happening. There are too many variables to make a single days worth of data relevant. I’m a digital marketer and if I relied on one day of data to make campaign decisions, then I probably wouldn’t be very good at my job.

Also - You don’t need to exercise more or get more steps in as a way to “break-thru”. There’s nothing to break through. You enjoyed some pasta and meatballs last night and your body is retaining water. Just go back to your normal fasting schedule =)


Losing a pound a day? This seems to be too much. Likely you might be losing water weight, and the gain is water. Was the meal salty? Focus more on how you’re feeling, than the scale. Weigh once a week. Weighing daily can derail motivation because our weights fluctuate daily. Look at long-term trends. As long as you’re sticking to a good fasting window, try not to sweat the small stuff too much and trust the process.


Losing a lb a day for a month is definitely not all fat loss and something you can’t expect to continue. I’ve had months when I religiously stuck to plan and lost .75 lbs. Expect fluctuations in your weight, which could include gains. To make long-term progress, you can’t get discouraged by normal fluctuations. If you enjoyed the pasta, don’t worry about it. In a couple of days, your water weight will stabilize, and you will probably see another loss as you’re losing really quickly. Take a deep breath and soilder on. Getting discouraged can result in undoing all your progress. Good luck to you.


Hmm water comes first the fat right after, I would blame the high carbs too! I used to follow dont weigh everyday until I gained 10lbs in a week, it was all downhill from there. I need to keep an eye on my body, and adjust where necessary. Its a great learning tool as well. Just persist if your weight fluctuates. Last week i gained one pound, where before i was losing 2lbs a week. It has taken me 4 days to lose that one pound of ‘water’. I dont need worse setbacks thanks. Everyone should do what they feel is right for them.

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