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Seems a lot of people don’t understand?!

Most all of the time when I’m questioned for not eating or trying to eat healthier they look at me in confusion and ask why? Or you already look skinny? But from we’re I’m from it seems like eating and growing young men to be huge football players is the normal. Healthy is looked at like an eating disorder. Does anyone else feel this way like overweight is the normal and people just accept it?

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The first rule of IF Club is that you don’t talk about IF Club. Because if you do, then uncle Larry is going to chew your ear off that you’re developing an eating disorder just like cousin Suzie and just look what happened to her! It is a strange effect that you suddenly awaken medical experts all around you when they find out you’re doing restricted eating windows. Who needs it?


Food and eating is just one of those things where everyone feels like they are an expert about it.
That’s why I will avoid even talking about it if at all possible- there is simply no point.

Once in a while I may get some really persistent criticism, at which point I say “And now would you like to hear what I think about your diet? I didn’t think so.”


Yes 💀 if you say you’re not immediately eating when offered food people are like WHAT WHY?? Because many people are food-addicted and can’t fathom the concept of refusing donuts at 8am or not eating pizza when it’s sitting in front of them. As a female I get judged a LOT for losing weight when I’m not seen as overweight; I say it’s for health and people give me the “but you look so healthy!!” As if they can measure my health visually LOL. People are addicted to food, that’s the whole issue, simple as that 💀


I used to get knocked a lot at work when I started IF but almost two years later I don’t hear too much anymore. My grotesquely overweight boss was the biggest mouth about it. He starts and quits a diet weekly and blames his wife for his eating disorder, so I just take it with a grain of salt.


I feel you - I don’t talk about my IF to anyone or how I eat only whole nutritious foods because people have very intimate and different relationships with these types of things. After I got sober from alcohol I noticed that if I mentioned I don’t drink it would upset some folks and think it’s because they feel insecure about that subject themselves. So people project these insecurities. The one time I opened up about how I eat to someone they called me a “orthorexic” 😐. Our society has gone way off base with eating, most eat up to 4 - 12x day so it terrifies them to think of living without that. Now I’m ranting too hahah.


Yes and it’s super frustrating. Staying thin and healthy takes work just like losing weight. It doesn’t ever end. I have a cousin who is obese who has told me that I have it easy because I’ve always been thin. No asshat, I’ve ALWAYS worked hard to stay thin! It’s never easy. And rant.


Yes I do get this a lot, I’m tall so I actually look thinner than I am, also I’m naturally thin which is considered “too thin.” Working from 167>142 my goal weight. If I say I’m doing IF people immediately tell me “you don’t need to lose weight.” Actually I gained almost 30 pounds during the COVID lockdown and my joints and body do not feel good. Walking and doing IF, after 7 lbs I already feel so much better!


I just call it my new lifestyle 😌 People seem to understand that more than food restrictions diet or fasting or cico fasting window eating window. It just doesn’t compute to someone who hasn’t done it.


I have lost 130 pounds and my family is mostly supportive of IF but only until they saw I have kept the weight off now for a few years. I still am trying to lose an additional 20 pounds and the only person I have told that is my wife.

Lots of friends and extended family have given me a lot of shit and say I’m deathly skinny. I’m still 185 and 6’ so I have some fat to lose still. But no, they know better about my health I guess.


Overweight is obviously normal now. I sat in a restaurant booth Tuesday and felt like a little kid. I had to slide out to the front edge of the seat to comfortably eat. There was a foot or more gap between the seat back and me. I weight 195 pounds and my doctor says I’m overweight.


Yea and people will also have no problem saying oh you so skinny. My daughters and I were on vacation and we were buying goodies at an Italian bakery, something we don’t really have at home, so we got a bunch of stuff. An older man was behind us and he like smirked and said how you can stay so skinny and eat all of the stuff?

I just laughed as I was paying. Asshole.

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Categories: eating disorder overweight eating window losing weight alcohol obese lose weight shit