| | Water Fasting

So curious how long is safe?

So I do 18/20 intermittent fasting daily for health, and once a month do a 3 day fast as a religious/spiritual practice. Water fasting Incase anybody gets worried about that.

So I was just curious how long is safe for a longer fast and how often?

Edit for clarification: Is fasting for one week safe, and if so how often is safe?

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Long fasts, especially if you’re never done them before, should definitely be supervised by a physician. To me, “long” is anything longer than a week.

But depending on your body fat percentage, and general state of health? A very fat person could not have a single solid meal for months and not experience any significant health risks, as long as they supplemented. Not suggesting you try that, but it’s a medical fact.

My longest fast has been 32 days. If anything, I was healthier at the end than the beginning! But if I can be graphic, I regret not giving myself an enema when I began. When you don’t eat, your don’t experience peristalsis, the contractions in the intestine that move food through the gut. Pooping a 32-day-old turd was traumatizing, just absolutely rock-hard.

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