| | Water Fasting

SW: 402pds CW: 383 GW: 220 Just started (relatively speaking) this thing.

I’m not sure I’m ready to post progress shots or anything yet, just wanted to put my thoughts out there. At the beginning of December last year I weighed in at (at least) 402 pounds, which is where my scales tapped out, and I realised that it was time to stop making excuses for myself. I had some awful habits - eating takeaway 4-5 times a week, and eating enough often for 2 people. I would also often eat a share-size pack of crisps (potato chips) almost every night. I knew it wasn’t healthy, but I always seemed to be ‘doing okay’ in life despite my weight. I hid a lot of these eating habits from my friends and family who were too polite to make comments about my weight. (aside from one small child who keeps calling me ‘big’, as kids with no filter tend to do)

I’ve been transitioning towards an 18/6 IF, as well as dropping a lot of the snacking/overeating habits which had become so ingrained after many years. And I’ve managed to drop almost 20lbs. I don’t notice it in the mirror, but I feel a hell of a lot lighter somehow. I realise it’s a long haul, but am happy making healthier choices.

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Whenever i think about “dieting” or switching food for the better ones, u should keep think of it like a lifestyle change, u lost 20 lbs, maybe u dont notice in mirror but for sure this is a change. Just keep going

Just dont go too hard on yourself, take a slow way the results will come trust me. For now for you even cutting the junk food and sticking to 18/6 is the key for you what will bring you a good change.

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