| | Water Fasting

Strict water-only fast VS the cayenne lemonade "diet"

Can someone point out the pros/cons of each and if one is ultimately better or worse for the goal of detoxing (just giving my body a break from alcohol and not-so-healthy food, as a “reset”) and losing weight?

I’d prefer a strict water fast, (I usually do the occasional 48-hour, but I’ve completed two 72-hour fasts previously) and someone suggested the “cayenne lemonade” thing. I’ve heard of it before but I kind of feel like water-fasting would help me reach my goals faster than drinking spicy lemonade.

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Your body can detox all on its own, that’s what your liver is for. It doesn’t need help, just don’t drink alcohol and your liver takes care of everything.

Skip the lemon and cayenne, its a fad. Water only fasting will stimulate autophagy, plus its free and easy.


The lemonade cayenne thing is based on no science and started by an evil con artist if I remember correctly. Read a book by his granddaughter or something years ago.

Salts, bone broth, coffee are arguable additions if needed, but nothing justifies the lemonade cayenne thing.


If you fast for a long time on the lemon and cayenne, it can start to be painful when it comes out the other end ( sorry to be so graphic). With water fasting, its just a matter of tolerating hunger. Personally, if I were in your shoes, I would juice lemon, apple, and leafy greens. I have read the greens are great for detox, and are high in nutrients.

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