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Studies on older age and IF

Hey all, I am researching IF but I am almost 50. Is there any research on the efficacy of IF and old people? My goals are \~25lb (215 currently) and healthier blood pressure, triglycerides, and well being. Basically tired of being unhealthy. Thinking I am going to start with 16:8 and trying to cut out sugars and processed carbs. Words of advice?

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I don’t know about any studies on this. But I’m 52, started with 14/10, when that got easier I started with 16/8. In the last 3 weeks I am trying to manage 18/6 and on days that I do, I feel great! I have definitely noticed a reduction fatty bits on my body, specifically my lower tummy that had started to hang slightly over my C Section area. It has lifted now, the sagginess is going especially after a few weeks of 18/6.So it works, even when you’re older🙂


Guilty as charged, I am an old person. 73 male started on 16:8 for week then 18:6, weight loss started right away but once I was able to do the 18:6 for a couple days I felt the next step was 20:4.Started mid August to date today 12lbs down, steady course, feel great!


Best time to start anything is now, right?

I am not sure there are specific studies on over-50 but a lot of the studies I have read do include older men, fewer include women. Which seems a glaring omission.

Anecdotally yes IF or other fasting is a powerful tool in your health kit especially when older. If you keep an eye on this thread you will see.


A quick search of the research seems to show IF to be effective and well-tolerated in older adults, though as with most things fasting related, much more research is needed. You can have a look at some of the studies here:


I think a potential concern with older adults and IF is the potential for muscle and bone loss with calorie restriction. None of the articles I looked at suggest that to be the case, but it is a general concern to watch out for with older adults (and you’re not that old!)


I’m 5’1”, 60F, SW171 CW varies between 107/109. I am super happy IF/Keto. I started last Nov and by May lost over 50lbs. May to now 121-108. I do mostly OMAD, no regular exercise, mainly walk for shopping or out and about. Stay clear of sugar and all processed food. example packaged goods. I had one whole fruit this entire time and it was one nectarine in a salad. I don’t feel deprived but if I have a whole slice of pizza I will gain at least a pound or more. Carbs really have me gain weight (which is probably just water, but still). I occasionally fast anywhere from 24-72 hours, if I attended an event and I gained over 2 pounds. My husband has been following me this last month doing OMAD and has lost weight as well. You will do well! Good luck and I am sure you will meet your goal weight.


I dived straight in to low carb higher fat OMAD earlier this year after a diabetes diagnosis. V rough the first few weeks coming off sugar and carbs, but now I’m 50 lbs down , diabetes in remission and feeling better than ever. OMAD might be too much to do straight away, but the best thing is to come off the sugar and carbs.. that stops the cravings and that mid-morning/afternoon slump when you just have to have a treat. It works!


I’m a late 50’s guy, just started IF mid June. No other major adjustments to lifestyle yet. I’m trying 16-8, can usually hit it up to 6-8 day in a row, miss one day because of family life.

I’ve dropped 24lbs (plateauing hard at 24) nad dropped at least 1 waist size in jeans, and had to buy a new belt! IF is working for me.


Lol. I may be the oldest here so far. f73/5’8”sw222/cw210/gw190. Started three weeks ago 23/1. Jumped right in weight went down fast in first 10 days. Now slowed down. But that is fine. I know I did not lose 10 pounds of fat in the first weeks. Much less stiffness in joints feel just fine. Love the idea of “delay not deny”. If I feel hungry or crave something I set it ready to eat during my one hour. Appetite so much smaller then before. Most days I leave food on my plate as I totally feel full


i IF for a lymphatic issue i havent missed a day in a year. im 44. i dont get any swelling or bloat etc.i dont worry about carbs but dont go looking for them either. never limit fruits just the pasta’s breads etc. i don’t drink alcohol if that helps. i have to make myself eat at night so im SURE you will be successful once you get in a groove. look into kencko i do those for whole nutrition- i add a few extra fruits and just water and blend they are soo good. you can get 5 servings of fruits and veggies in one smoothie under 300 calories all whole food zero processed anything and be full. i add liquid collagen for mt joints that fills you even more. stuff like that will JUMP start you and youll be motivated by early progress to stick with it.


There isn’t a lot of magic in IF. It is just a way to restrict your calories intake. It for sure works for me (close enough to 50th…). There are a lot of subjective testimonies about other benefits, and for me it makes me more alert during the mornings while fasting.


I would check out Ben Bickman on youtube or just join one of his instagram lives and he would point you at legit research or answer the question. All the things you mention will for sure benefit from IF just because they are all tied to insulin, and nothing lets your body reset insulin like IF. Ben wrote why we get sick and covered it very well, I am a big Dr Jason Fung fan too as many around here are. He deals with real people every day as a Canadian nephrologist and has solid advice as well.


55 year old woman here. Started IF in November and have lost about 45 lbs on the 16:8 schedule. I’m also counting calories and trying to cut about 500 a day. I exercise every day at least 30 minutes but usually closer to an hour. All this to say it’s doable but progress will probably be slower than with younger people. I still need to lose more weight but I seem to be stuck :(. Be patient!


I do “early eating” 16:8 (8am to 4pm) vs late eating (eg. 12pm to 8pm). I find it works better with my natural hunger rhythms, plus I can eat while I work.

I thought early eating was unpopular but in a recent study where people had a choice more people chose early eating.

I think it might also be mindset. I would binge at night so not eating then works best with that.

I also prefer the eat-fast-sleep order vs fast-eat-sleep. Fasting before sleep seems easier.


62yo M. Dropped 258lbs to 214 over a year (posted my progress here) after multiple health problems started at 60. Subscribe to Medscape, you’ll get updates of latest research - even if you don’t have a medical background it’s a good start and you get to see what your GP should know!

I think it’s about listening to your body and what works for you. I cut sugar, caffeine, alcohol and processed food over a few months, 16:8, 2MAD. Not eating after 8pm made the biggest impact.

For me a keto diet works (with occasional resistant starch - frozen green bananas, frozen rye bread etc). I was getting some joint stiffness but I do some cardio and train with weights as heavy as I can lift (sets of 4) and it’s like the body says ‘okay, this is the new normal’. IF is great in older age but look at your lifestyle and overhaul what’s lacking, be it meditation for stress, breathing exercises, resistance training to address sarcopenia or taking care of your microbiota by eating real food.


51F here. Started IF some time in July. SW 204lb CW 170 GW 132. This is the only thing that has worked for me after gaining roughly 70 lb in the last five years. I’m also going through menopause and thought that it was impossible to lose weight since my sleep was so disrupted from hormonal changes. IF has changed every aspect of my life. I am losing weight in what feels like a very healthy way. When my window opens I really want to eat healthier foods since it’s my one shot of a great meal. It gets easier. I am also flexible and allow myself to eat things that might not be deemed “healthy”. I started to really clean my diet up in July but stopped drinking alcohol back in February of this year and that too has helped considerably with weight loss. Best of luck to you. 51 isn’t that old lol.

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