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Sudden gain weight

Is it normal to suddenly gain 4-5lbs within a day when breaking a fast? I’ve been doing IF 16:8 with calorie deficit of 1800 while working out 5-6 days a week. I was steadily losing 1lb a week but then I ate around x3 100 grams of rice with chicken and fish (around 2000 cal) outside my window and my weight changed from 183 to 187 within the day and stayed at 186 the next morn.

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I can fluctuate 4-5 lbs pretty easily. Stop weighing every day and do a weekly number. that will be more accurate and outside of any physiological issues, you should be losing on a calorie deficit.

It’s a marathon, not a sprint


Daily weigh-ins can drive you crazy. I’m not saying don’t do it, but don’t stress it. Often it’s water weight.
Usually for me, if I had soy sauce yesterday or ate a bunch of pretzels or something yesterday, then today I’m higher.

I’ve been every weight from 206 to 212 this week, from Sunday morning (212.5) to yesterday at 11 (206.9)


Oh yeah. Depends on if i ate too much salty food, how much water i drank, if i excercised yet if i slept enough and stuff like that. Including if I went to the bathroom yet.

Currently resting at 98.7 kg. But it can get up to 100 or more then drop by 2 kg in the next day or day after that. Diet, rest, activity, water intake all make the weight fluctuate. So don’t focus on weight too much.

Mark it when it goes down, but otherwise just stay consistent. You’ll be great. I believe in you op.


Very normal, whenever I have a cheat day or weekend I always gain 3-5lbs. But it usually only take 3-4 days of hard dieting/workouts to get it all back off. Life is too short to not enjoy the cheat days from time to time so don’t beat yourself up over it. Your still better off than you were originally.


This is why I chose to weigh in daily and log my weights in the Happy Scale app. It creates a trend line that evens out any up and down fluctuations. I prefer to see the fluctuations and acknowledge that my body changes every day, versus hoping my weekly weigh in is a lower number than last week.


As others have said, weight can fluctuate wildly. Yesterday I was 159.6 pounds. The day before that I was 157.8. Today I am 156.0. That doesn’t mean I “gained” and then “lost” 2-3 pounds. The scale doesn’t lie, but it doesn’t tell the whole story, either.

If you are going to weigh yourself every day (and I’m gonna break with others here and say that studies have shown people who weigh in daily lose more weight on average and are better at maintaining their weight over time), it should only be once a day at the same time each day, if possible. I do it first thing in the morning after using the restroom, before I’ve had anything to drink. That being said, you need the mental fortitude to be able to deal with daily shifts in numbers, sometimes in ways you won’t like. You know yourself best. If the scale is going to take the wind out of your sails, take a break from the scale.


When you eat and drink your body weight will go up, so it’s not an accurate measure of your weight. Try to only weigh yourself in the morning on an empty stomach before you start even drinking water to get the most accurate weight


Glycogen among other things explains the weight fluctuation. Totally normal to gain multiple pounds overnight when breaking a longer fast or doing something outside your norm. It’s your body replenishing its reserves, so to speak. It’s not fat.

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