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SV: Hit my Goal Weight over Christmas Break! Now what?

Thanks in part to a stomach upset that kept me from eating basically anything Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, the scale showed me 210 a few days ago! But now what? What do you do then? Is there an ideal weight goal or is there a maintenance plan?

I started out tracking in LoseIt at 254, after I had been pestered into quitting Keto and my weight had slowly risen back up to where it started, back at the beginning of September 2021. If you look at the graph of my progress there’s a drop, then a round hill where it goes back up, and then another gradual drop. The hill was the period where my family and doctor pestered me into quitting my IF routine and eating 3-5 ‘little meals’ a day. People, seriously! I know what I’m doing!

3-5 little meals a day for weight loss, by the way, is a miserable experience, do not recommend, was awful for both mood and weight. The worst.

I scaled in at 214 yesterday and today after finally being able to keep some food inside, thank goodness, but now I gotta figure out what to do with this new body. Before, losing the weight and feeling some control over this flesh prison was my biggest priority. Now, my herniated disc and my boney knees feel a lot better and I don’t think I should just keep shrinking forever so, maybe some kind of exercise thing?

I played Varsity Football and Wrestling in Highschool and honestly I hated it, I’m not a sports guy, and I’d rather do just about anything other than become a gym dude. I am a victim of my own success, it seems and I honestly was never sure I’d get here so I didn’t read the back of the IF manual where the maintenance plan was listed.

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I assume your macros and whatnot were set at a level for a deficit, thus allowing you to lose weight. If you’re happy where you’re at now, adjust those macros to be at a level for maintenance. You get to eat a bit more, within your windows of eating.

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