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What if you hit your goal weight but you are not happy?

What if finally you hit this dreamed goal number and yet you are not satisfied?

It is a very slippery slope, and you must remember – weight loss will never fix your all body issues! Adding another destination will never bring you fulfilment.

Be proud of yourself, be proud of what you achieved and respect your body, you have only one!

Self love is a very tough one, it does not come easy and usually require a lot of time and kindness to yourself, but step by step you can achieve it.

What may be helpful:

1. Don’t compare yourself and understand – online isn’t real!

It is very easy to fall into cycle of unreal body image by watching all of those beautiful people in social media but remember – it isn’t real and no one is perfect!

2. Try meditation, yoga or strength training

All of them can be a great way to focus on yourself, understand your body better, improve your posture and find yourself

3. Experiment with your style

Try different clothes, something you would never try before! You can be surprised how a little tiny piece of clothing can boost your confidence!

4. Help others in their journey.

Hopefully you will understand how long way you have come and what amazing thing you have done, and you will be able to help others achieve their goals and motivate them.

Remember – you are amazing, you are beautiful, and you are worth it! You’ve got this!

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Thanks for this. I’ve known for a long time that I’m never going to love my legs and arms because they are big in proportion to the rest of me (thanks to my mum as well for giving me even more of a complex about them). What I’ve been concentrating on recently though is at least making sure that my limbs are STRONG as well as big and I’m going to wear short shorts and strappy tops this summer regardless! 💪


Another question: how do you know when to stop? I’m getting close to reaching the lightest I’ve been 5 years and what would be considered a “healthy BMI” (BMI is obviously wrong and outdated, this is just a measure I’ve never even reached before). When do you know that your body has lost all the additional fat it needs/should lose? I will always do some form of IF all my life, but will eventually like to loosen up on OMAD.

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Categories: weight loss omad