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Totally new to IF - looking for a fitting “schedule” for my daily lifestyle.

Quick backstory:

I’m a martial arts instructor full time, and 5 months ago I broke a toe and tore a bit of the connected tissue around it. Fast forward, I had a grade 2 tear in my ankle. I’ve been slowly recovering/PTing, while teaching in-person classes carefully. My ankle is feeling a lot better and ready to roll, 8ish weeks later.

Throughout the timeframe of my injuries, I’ve been pretty inactive while healing. I’d like to get back into shape.

Work Schedule/Active time:

I work every day, Monday-Friday, from 2pm-8:30pm. My job is physical (again), and I burn a pretty solid amount of calories passively from teaching, demonstrating, moving, and joining in. Every Tuesday and Thursday the other instructors and I train after work from 8:30-10:30pm (usually HIIT/olympic weightlifting).

Before work, I am usually at home relaxing/resting until 1:00pm. On weekends I go on hikes/paddle boarding/day trips. (I live in Northern California, plenty to do!)


What would be a solid IF schedule for me? I’m totally new to IF and have no idea where to begin.

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Welcome to fasting! A 16:8 schedule is a great place to start. Since you work in the afternoon/evening and you’ll probably need your food then, perhaps start your fast after work and keep it going through to midday next day?


Fellow martial arts instructor here, just wishing I could make a living out of it. Glad you could make it.

Looking at your schedule I’d say you eat from waking up till you go to work and make sure you get all the nutrients you need for the whole shift and the workout following it, then fast until the next morning. But I understand that you may need additional nutrients in between or at least post workout, so first of all I need to understand if you’d be able to eat three full meals which would fit before work, after work and post workout (before going to bed).

Also I’d like to know what are your goals and why you chose IF in particular. I’ll be glad to give some help

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Categories: tea recover calories to fast evening morning