Im on day 2 of my 3 day fast and i was wondering.
Idle curiosity here. I do 4 day fasts during the week days, ending Thursday night, regular diet in between. Should I expect my water weight to be back by Monday or could it still be a bit under reported?
Just wondering what current thinking was. There seems to be contrasting opinion on whether its beneficial to fast or not, is anyone able to share their experiences on this? Thank you!
For a 52M approximately how long does it take for the immune system to recover from fasting/supplements only for 12 days? Thank you in advance for any help or data
I am recovering from HA (that means I've lost my period due to anorexia in the past -I don't have anorexia anymore but my period has been lacking for 1 and a half year-. I would like to try IF...
After reaching my first big goal I really want to go back to the gym. Pre-kids I was very active and I want to lift as much for my own mental well-being as anything (but hopefully to improve my physical...
Especially sense of smell. My smell has been coming back very slowly for some weeks now and I felt like it was much better after a 30 hr fast but I still have a long way to go. I’d love to...
I've been doing 18/6 keto IF for about a month, it's working well, lost about 4kg. Today I had a friend's party and ended up bringing on sugary stuff, coke, beer, chips, hot dogs, etc. Not feeling guilty but want...
I don’t really fast for long. 36-48 hours every 1-2 weeks. But I find that anything longer than 20 hours I get some diarrhea when I break my fast. Additionally, if doing a 36+ the diarrhea will last for like...
So maybe it's already late to ask as i am 48 hours in, but at least to hear some opinions. Long story short, i am right now one month post surgery(ACL+ meniscus) and i can't walk with my operated leg...
hi, i normally eat OMAD, and have been for a a good while, always been healthy, 34M/120lb./5'9. For some reason, i never have issues unless to much onion, but after eating my veggie/pasta roast on saturday (spiral pasta, baby...
Going to do a few 30hr fasts to help reduce inflammation from a concussion. Have done a half dozen 10 day water fasts before but never a dry fast. Thoughts?
Hey everyone, About 4 months ago I completed a 9-day dry fast, took a 9-day break and then followed up with another 10-day dry fast. This time I'm currently on a dry fast on a day 4 and feeling quite...
What do you if you feel unwell or become sick while you're fasting? Do you still stick with whatever fasting plans you had or do you give yourself a short break until you're well enough to carry on? I think I've...
Im curious everyones thoughts on it, if you guys are only doing cardio or light volume lifting sets too
I just did a 41 hour dry fast and I wanted to jump right back into another dry fast right after. How long do you wait after you break a fast to start another dry fast?
Love IF, have been living the lifestyle for 1.5 years. Lost 20 lbs, got more fit than ever, and I’m never going back. That said, I’m recovering from abdominal surgery that included a lot of muscle repair. My entire core...
is it ok to exercise during a water fast - if so, what sort of exercise do you recommend? 5'0 female btw!!
Finished my last fast on day 4, did not seem to do much to my injury. I heard something more like 7+ days for healing? Any experience? Yes i go to physiotherapy regularly , and still no help.
Does anyone have any knowledge on this? Tried to look online but couldn’t find much.
What’s the difference between 1)having a high calorie diet consisting of mostly carbs vs 2) having a high calorie diet consisting mostly of protein vs 3) having a normal calorie diet (net neutral / basal amount) that’s high in protein. I...
\[27 years old, female, overweight\] Most likely I will get surgery (with total anesthesia) in a few weeks. I'm currently fasting 20:4 for weight loss since the beginning of December last year. Before that, I did intermittent fasting for...
Just picked one up today. Low calories, no added sugar, no artificial sweeteners, added sea salts, high Vitamin A, C, and B6 content. What do you think?
I asked this question over on the intermittent sub, and got some as – expected thoughtful answers. Thought I would try here as well. I’m 56 years old, really enjoy drinking wine… But I’ve noticed lately as I creep slowly towards...
Are you starting a new fast this week? We'll be posting this thread every Sunday, at the beginning of every calendar week, so you can check in and tell us about your plans for a fasting this week!
I’m a current cancer patient, and despite what you hear about chemo patients losing weight, I ended up gaining while on chemo. Probably closing in on 30 pounds. I was overweight to begin with so now I’m around my highest...
i am curious. i know if you sauté veggies, they lose a lot of their nutritional value - but if you cook them in a crock pot (ie chicken noodle soup) do the vitamins from the carrots, celery, onions, etc.,...
40 day water fasts are done by a lot more people than 15-16 day dry fasts Can it be almost equally similar in regards to the transformative healing potentials?
If i really need water, ill just rinse my mouth. Or take a small ass sip. Is this a good tactic? Ofc ill listen to my body like dehydration headaches etc
Hi everyone, is it safe to go on an intermittent fasting diet after recovering from covid. I tested negative today but I'm getting the post covid symptoms after a long day of errands. mostly cough, headache for a while and the...
Can I fast after I have breakfast today? I still have noticeable muscle soreness from 2 days ago when I was doing some heavy weight lifting, yesterday my muscle soreness was painful, now it’s not but it’s still noticeable if...
I plan to ask my doctor! Just wondering how soon after a major surgery can I restart IF? I hate knowing that I'm likely gaining weight while recovering but I know my body needs extra care right now. I can...
Assuming no nutritional defficiencies or anything of the sort, is there any reason to wait long between dry fasts?
Im 400lbs and i need to lose a lot of weight. Is this a good plan?
As the title states I’d like any tips about weight lifting/exercise routine to do while I’m extended fasting. I don’t want anything too intensive or difficult, just enough to help me maintain muscle.
Anyone have a preferred vitamin regimen to go with on fasting days? I see people say different things they take but I’m wondering if there is a go to vitamin set that could go with to start with. ...
I'm currently beginning an intermittent fasting diet, however I've been told by some people that this will slow down your metabolism, causing you to lose less weight. Firstly, is this true, and if so, is it permanent. Secondly, would...
I’ve been doing snake diet since March this year. I’ve reached my original goal weight from 240lbs to 180lbs. I feel like I could loose another 10lbs as my body fat is around 17%. I use an Apple Watch and...
Hi, i would like to ask your experiences on smoking weed and fasting, does it affect the high or something else? Keed in mind i dont want to quit smoking Thanks for the replies!
Is there any guidance on how long you should wait to drink alcohol after a workout so that it has the least amount of detrimental affects on recovery or on the efficacy of the workout? Is there a difference if...
I was working today about 32 hours into a dry fast (it’s not anything serious I quite literally stand around and press buttons), and I started feeling super hot and cold and went to go sit in the break room....
Does anyone have experience with lifting while often fasting? I’m planning on doing 72 hour fasts during the week, likely Monday evening to Thursday evening, then lifting Friday, Saturday, Sunday. I would continue this regiment until I’m at my goal...
Hi, I used to be a fairly fit but overweight person IN the pandemic I became morbidly overweight at BMI of 50. I have started gymming and weight loss is great so far. I am no stranger to Intermittent Fasting. Currently working...
Has anyone ever been on a fast and donated plasma before ? Or donated blood even? I wanna start a fast on New Years but I’m scheduled to donate plasma a few times in January so might just...
Hey guys :) So i have been doing intermitten fasting for over 4 years now, and one thing i never realy understood is: Why do i crave toast? As a security guard i do a lot of nightshifts, and usually at around midnight...
Someone talk to me about the crazy things that have happened to them through dry fasting 😄
Can someone ask this lady who's doing a 7 day dry fast if she regained her sense of smell b/c of covid? I told my mom I won't be on the FB group anymore & swore on my life that...
I know you want to roughly intake 0.8 to 1.0 grams per pound of weight for protein. Ideally if you want to lose weight/body fat are you suppose to take in your ideal body weight amount of protein or your...
I asked this question in other subreddits and was told to come here. I plan on dry fasting for 23 hours, then eat around 600 calories for the 1 hour duration. The twist is doing this without any liquids for...
Just decided to stop IF while I am having Covid. Opinions welcome
Would love to hear from folks who use this supplement …
I have been doing IF for 5 years, always maintaining at least a 16:8 schedule. Recently I staring a new Martial Art from which I return from practice late in the evening. Would the benefits of continued fasting outweigh the benefits of...
So for the past few weeks I’ve been sticking to a fasting schedule that involves a 72hr fast from Friday-Sunday. I’ve actually found it quite enjoyable and I’ve gotten used to it. However, today (Thursday) I woke up feeling like...
New to IF - where do I begin? What can I eat, when is the best time to eat? I enjoy low carb and low/no sugar (keto essentially) eating because carbs and sugar make me sick at times. For context...
I have an awful sore throat so took some of my go to cough syrup but it's really sweet so I'm wondering if this has broke my fast?
Still feeling pretty good, I don't have to break unless I want to. SW was around 195 and CW is around 170. I was thinking of breaking and doing another 14 day fast if I really felt like it later...
I've been only a few days into intermittent fasting and since the second or third day I just could not stop drinking water for a second. At first I kinda felt it was something like my organism taking out the...
I'm relatively new to fasting, just completing a third trial, a second duration of 5 days. This time I added tea and tisanes (herb teas), only drinking water and electrolytes the first two times. It didn't change much...
Fortunately, coffee is allowed when doing intermittent fasting. So let's have a coffee together every day and talk about our daily struggles and joys. Comment this thread with some of those suggestions: **\*Success\*:** Comment your success of the day, can be an NSV...
What are some go-to foods/strategies for athletes with high carb intake requirements? On a high carb intake, even white rice can make one feel overly full. Augmenting with low volume, higher sugar carbs seems like the answer, but that doesn't seem...
I know there will be some amount of muscle loss but I want to minimize it, what do I do? I know that during brisk exercises, the body starts taking energy from protein so I won't be doing a lot...
I want to do an extended fast but I work a heavy manual labor job. Will this affect my output, or make me lightheaded, etc? If it will or if it could, what should I do?
Hey if-ers- I’ve been doing intermittent fasting for a little over 2 months. Usually 18 hour fasts sometimes more. This weekend my best friend came up and I decided to just not fast this weekend. Today I feel terrible. My stomach...
Is there any tips to help you fall asleep? I’m 33 hours in and I need sleep, although i’m not tired I still need to sleep. Any tips will be appreciated.
I’m curious, I wanted to start water fasting today for a week but I started my period today. It’s kinda heavy only lasts 5 days but can I water fast still, does it make any sort of difference in the...
Hello, I was wondering if fasting twice a month is worth it and good for me in the long run. I fast for the first five days of the month and towards the end of the month I fast 3-5...
I started IF last week (14:10). I’ve mostly been able to stick to the fasting periods, but I find myself being sooo hungry when I break fast that I default to comfort food for dinner (pasta, etc) to hold me...
Fasting MWF, eating 3500 cals T,THR,SAT. One meal Sunday. Been on this for 3 weeks and the scale hasn’t moved, I weigh daily with a smart scale. And they’ve all been within 5lbs. I’ve read you should eat 10%-30% over...
Now since the holidays are over and overrate the last few days I want to get back on the grind by doing a four day fast which would be up until my wisdom teeth appointment on friday. I'm not going...
I currently weigh 176lbs, trying to get down to 160. I was fasting 14:10 for about 2 months, I've lost 13 pounds and I'm very proud of that. However, I plateaued for about a week,...
Anyone here that has done 12 days water fast? Which day do you think was the worst day? And how did you make the fasting easier?
I'm trying to get into intermittent fasting for weight loss and I'm doing 1x 24 hr fast plus 2x 19 hour fasts per week until I'm at my desired weight, then I might do one fast a week to maintain...
Are you starting a new fast this week? We'll be posting this thread every Sunday, at the beginning of every calendar week, so you can check in and tell us about your plans for a fasting this week!
Hi! I’m currently doing 4:3 or 5:2 ADF and loving it. Hoping to slim down and transition to OMAD or 20:4 by this summer. I’m lucky enough to have my 18yo niece staying with us for 6 weeks this summer....
I've been IF for over 6 weeks now with CICO, and lost over 10lbs already. After a good couple of years of dodging and ducking I finally caught covid with temps almost 103°F. While the flu itself atleast now seems...
Has anyone tried it deep into a dry fast 3+ days? If so what was your experience?
This past week I was awful sick. I spent 3 days throwing up. I have no idea what messed me up that bad. But, now that I'm better I'm worried I've undone everything I've worked for. I do the 18:6...
I’m 8 weeks postpartum and started 16:8 and low carb 2 weeks ago. First week lost 8lbs and this week lost nothing. Please tell me it’s normal. I’m already irritated the scale hasn’t even moved 1 lb, I feel less...
Are you starting a new fast this week? We'll be posting this thread every Sunday, at the beginning of every calendar week, so you can check in and tell us about your plans for a fasting this week!
Hello! I completed a week fast last month (it was lovely! I lost 13 pounds) and I'm going to start a 2 weeks water fast (and maybe zero sugar drinks and coffee) tomorrow. I'm wondering if I'll lose a lot...
I started my fast on Friday at 11:30 am, I went to the gym and trained legs on Friday around 5 pm. It's currently 7 am on Sunday and my calves are incredibly sore to the point where it takes...
Fortunately, coffee is allowed when doing intermittent fasting. So let's have a coffee together every day and talk about our daily struggles and joys. Comment this thread with some of those suggestions: **\*Success\*:** Comment your success of the day, can be an NSV...
I do a fasted commute 25km each way in the heat. Perth WA. Will consuming a low carb electrolyte drink break my fast, it comes out to 9 cal? Endura low carb rehydration is the brand. I am taking it because I...
I have some vacation time I can use, I can be off for twelve days Do you think I should do a ten day water fast. I’ve done before but it’s been over ten years
I fast on alternating days and over the summer I will have unavoidable social obligations that go through lunch time. I have no problem fasting and I honestly enjoy it. I just don’t really want to deal with the awkward...
I completed my first 48 hour snake juice fast yesterday and I felt really good about that achievement. I broke my fast with a nice keto meal with the intention of rolling right into another 48. But today I felt...
Im 540lbs i need to lose weight extremely fast. I heard that losing weight too fast is bad but boy i need to shed some pounds as fast as possible.
Hi everyone, I've been doing 16:8 and 18:6 alternatively for the last 6ish weeks. But since I've started adding workouts, specifically weight lifting, to my schedule I've seen a very fast increase in weight. I only started doing lifting about a week ago,...
I’ve been doing IF very successfully for about 5 weeks now. I aim for 19 hours fasting a day and have a few 20/21 hour fasts. I usually open my eating window around 2-3p. Not sure how to approach some...