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[Venting] Feeling guilty for shallow motivation

This feels dumb to even share but I figured I might as well get it out of my head. I remember someone on Reddit saying their motivation was something like “family not fries.” That was their mantra to remind themselves why they were making changes. I tried a similar idea, variants of “kids not carbs.” Someday I would like to have a family. I’m engaged, I have PCOS, and I’m over 30. When it’s time to start trying for kids I want to do what I can to increase my chances of conception. I can only control what I eat and my weight loss efforts.

The problem is, that mantra hasn’t done a lot for me. Separately, when I set an IF goal, like “fast for 20 hours,” and I meet that, I’ve started moving a few bucks into a special category in my budget. The goal is to use that money for something fun. I didn’t have a specific savings goal for the last few months but recently decided I will put it toward a fancy new phone.

Here’s my point: The past few days, when I’ve reached for food before my fasting goal or I’ve tried to decide between junk food and something else, I’ve said “iPhone” to myself and it’s stopped me! But “babies” never worked that well. I feel so shallow and lame!

Maybe it’s because the family goal is too vague and distant while a new phone is a concrete idea, but it left me feeling guilty.

I know at the end of the day, if I make progress, I’ll be happy regardless of the underlying motivation. I just figured if anyone would understand my feelings on this, it might be you lovely ladies!

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The iPhone is something you know you can get right away. Babies don’t always worked out like you planned. Also babies are not something you want immediately, you’re not trying to get pregnant right now, are you? And another thing, there is no guarantee that you’ll get pregnant when you get to your goal weight, but if you save up enough money you can definitely get the phone.

It’s not shallow. It’s reality. Do whatever works for you.


I’m exactly the same :) I want to prepare and be ready for a healthy conception and pregnancy in the future, whenever that will end up being, probably a few years from now. But then again I have had that motivation for years and it hasn’t really helped. Now though I am tired of being heavy and tired, plus I have pretty dresses in my closet that I want to fit into again. So… if a shortterm shallow motivation helps in reaching the other goals, it’s not too bad.


That’s not shallow! Keep in mind that everyone’s goals need to be something that motivates them, not necessarily ideologically perfect!

I’d say that the vast majority of us are not losing weight for altruistic reasons - we’re mostly all just trying to get into healthier bodies, or bodies that make us feel good about ourselves. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing it for an iPhone or I’m doing it for a new pair of boots - the end result will still be healthier bodies!

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