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Yesterday I broke my 16/8 and I feel guilty and shitty AF

I was doing pretty well. Just finishing my third week and it hasn’t been as hard as I thought, but my wife came from work with pizza cravings so I thought why not? Once I finished my third slice I started to regret it; how easy is to fall into temptation.

I’m very angry at myself.

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You feel bad about breaking a 16/8, I feel bad because I told myself I’d start IF last year and here I am last night using a 2can dine coupon for myself at McDonald’s lmfaoo. Just enjoy the cheats days man, keep it up you’re still making progress.


Hey. This was just one time. IF is about long-term habits. One day won’t make or break anything. Take it as a learning experience and move on. Remember that you break your fast and start a new fast every day anyway. You always get a fresh start.

One thing to consider: If your eating schedule has you skipping dinner, but your wife frequently wants to eat dinner with you — can you shift your schedule to include dinner? That way “wife wants pizza tonight” could fit right into the plan, rather than being a huge problem.


I’m totally with you. Yesterday I broke my keto diet with a massive family dinner. I’ve been doing 18:6 for a month and yesterday I was fasting all day to allow myself some madness incoming, but oh boy did I not foresee what’s to come. I’m not supposed to have more than 50g of carbs per day nor any desserts & alcohol. And there I was, having alcohol, lasagna, chocolate, and two big scoops of ice cream 🤦‍♀️ This is even after turning down a few other offerings, so I was unable to say no to the rest because that would mean I can’t eat ANYTHING that the host prepared and I can’t be that a*hole (it was my fiancé’s brother’s big 30th bday, they prepared everything…) There was a bit of guilt in every bite…but hey, you know what, this whole mess of a meal mounted to ~2000cal, so it will not stay in my system for more than one day. So what I let my body handle carbs again? Especially if you’ve been on such a long streak or IF, you will adapt back very easily, perhaps the craving was a way of your body asking for a bit more calories. I hope you don’t beat yourself up over this my friend, we’re humans not machine, I’m sorry we don’t operate perfectly. But when slips like this happened, let’s enjoy the pleasure it brought us, and gently let it go. You’ve been doing great, and you will again 💪👊


The other day I counted calories and made sure I had more protein than carbs. I even exercised… Only to finish a bag of Cheetos while watching a movie after my feeding window lol. I felt a bit guilty, but we all screw up once in a while, maybe not with IF but with other stuff. Be kind to yourself. :-)


Remember it’s a MARATHON… so keep going and keep trying.. do not regret a single day misstep. Think it as a cheat for brain to let you keep going strong for future days. IF is going to have to be a lifestyle, not a done and move on.


You’re VERY early in your IF journey. This isn’t fatal – just get back on your 16/8 and move on. The hardest is the start and the first few weeks or months. It gets easier, in part, because cravings WILL decrease. Acknowledge the guilt, the challenge with your and your spouse’s cravings, and remember the feelings and the take-aways for the next time – and pretty sure you WILL have more next times. Hang in there, pal.


if I had a nickel for every time…. It’s normal and as long as you get back on the wagon, no harm, no foul. I had a cheat day yesterday after reaching a milestone- have quite a few lbs to go still but … It was a “C” cheat day with some Cheetos, Cookies, Cottage cheese and then a lovely salad :-) Back on track today. Don’t beat yourself up. :-)


The great thing about fasting is that you can fall off then just start again.

Will power has to be trained. See these moments of temptation as opportunities to test your will power.

Also, don’t forget to live your life, enjoy yourself and enjoy pizza with your wife!


I quite often plan to fall off, have an awesome cheat meal, then fast hard from there. I also allow myself to be flexible so I can enjoy myself with my wife and family (one day fast for 16, another for 20 - for example)


Next time you have cravings, try to make a healthy alternative of that. There’s a spinach dough recipe that makes a flatbread pizza with minimal carbs.

But a cheat meal here and there is okay! forgive yourself! Last night I broke my fast with keto sugar free chocolate and pistachio’s. Woke up this morning feeling okay and had lost a pound.


Eh…so you broke it early. You did 15 instead of 16 or whatever. Close the backend 2 hours (or whatever) earlier and the next day is an 18/6 for a day….all good.

The flexibility of if is what makes it great.


Don’t feel bad, I often lose more weight a couple days after a cheat. But seriously, weight loss/gain isn’t based on any one single day, it’s based on a trend and you’re doing great so far. It’s not going to have a significant impact unless you keep doing it. Don’t let these days get you down when you’ve been working so hard and doing so well.

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Categories: shit habits dinner keto carbs alcohol calories sugar morning tea weight loss