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What do you eat between fasts to maintain weight and health?

I try to eat a lot of green vegetables, avoid sugar, no bread, and minimize pasta and meat. I “try” to do this, but inevitably become more lax about my diet as time goes by. This results in my weight creeping back up until I fast again.

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I try to stick to low carb, nutrient dense foods like meat, seafood and higher fiber vegetables. My mom’s traditional Asian cooking helps a lot. She makes a lot of traditional Korean stews like oxtail, beef stews. We’ve been enjoying nabe at home, too which is just a big pot full of vegetables, layered with beef. We recently made a mille-feuille nabe. A lot of work, but worth the effort and great to share with loved ones.


I’m vegan. I try stick to whole food that I cook myself as much as possible. I make a lot of Indian and Korean food because they are good for stuffing in a ton of veggies.

I eat a lot of fruit. I have a weakness for frozen mango from Trader Joe’s and frozen fruit in general. I try keep an eye on this as it’s easy to eat a ton in one sitting.

Since becoming vegan a couple of years ago I have really cut down on rice and pasta as my meals tend to be really filling. I prioritize fiber and eating a variety of different things with each meal and you can only eat so much in a day.

I meal prep. This is why I like Korean and Indian because you can make a bunch of different small things to make up a meal so they don’t feel repetitive.


Haha I eat like the same food all the time. Rice meat and maybe some veg but mostly rice beef and kimchi. If I’m feeling fat I opt for chicken breast (not nearly as yummy)

Disclaimer I am already near my goal weight so only need to make small tweaks here and there.


Recently I’ve taken to eating a lot of soups; fish and potato and vegetable and Quorn (meat substitute). Also yoghurts for lunch. I also treat myself to a less healthy meal like a takeaway once or twice a week, usually during the weekend. I also try, even on my non-fasting days, to only eat within a 6 hour time frame. Seems to be working so far.


Just reading some of the comments here. I don’t get why a vegan would even fast. Veganism itself is a slow fast. You’re already abstaining from life supporting sustenance. Slowly withering away.

Fasting replicates what our ancestors did. Food should also replicate what they ate. So venison and other natural foods.

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