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What have your health care professionals said about your fasting?

Today I went to see a psychologist that I see because of my anxiety disorder and I happened to say how fasting helps with my anxiety. She said that fasting is doing a lot of long term damage to my body and even feasting days when I eat a lot can’t reverse that damage and that it would take a long time to recover from all that damage it has caused me.

I’m baffeled.

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I would also question why a psychologist is giving medical advice.

My general practitioner was very supportive! She said studies continue to come out that show the benefits of fasting, and her only ‘warning’ was to listen to my body and eat whole foods.


My Dr advised me not too, signed me up for a healthy eating program and told me that she was going to prescribe be anti diabetes and poor cholesterol meds.

I told her to give me 6 weeks for another shot at the title, she did, I fasted and came back with normal blood numbers and she didn’t question fasting anymore …because the proof is in the pudding.

My family thinks that I’m crazy and that I’m starving and suffering. I show them my belly and ask them if I look like I’m starving, usually shuts down the convo.

Most doctors and people simply state what they are taught, I’m not saying that everyone is an idiot, I’m saying that we might be called to demonstrate first hand that fasting is the way and the food industry is just as corrupt as Pharmaceutical, Defense Contractors and Politicians.

Yeah - I’m a conspiracy enthusiast, come at me. 😂


Why are you baffled? If you walked in a room of 100 people and said that you fast (not IF, 24+ hours) I bet 95 of them would think it’s insane. People will eventually catch up to the times. But right now society is so conditioned to eat frequently


Most doctors are decades behind and are repeating misinformation around nutrition and such from medical school. They probably think fasting equals starving yourself.

Show them Dr Fung’s research maybe?


What’s wild is that even the nutritionists that actually study nutrition, have a LOT of outdated misinformation, a few years back I took a university class about nutrition (to fill a requirement) and this professor INSISTED that there was enough calories to go around (and she acted like that was all that mattered, even though the food the calories come from is just as equally important), that people should switch to all vegan/vegetarian, that fat wasn’t that great…

Let’s just say I ended up with a B because my final paper was basically against almost everything she claimed, LOL


I brought the Obesity Code by Dr Jason Fung to my doctors office to ask her if she had ever heard about it. She was super excited and said a lot of patients have been reading his book and that intermittent fasting is what she does personally!


A lot of these psychologists are wrapped up in ideology. If you said you were fasting because of Ramadan she wouldn’t have said anything about it, but because it is to lose weight or not be fat then you are having a crisis.


i went in for a check up after a 30 day fast and the doctor was amazed that i had gone even passed 16 hrs. she had nothing but nice things to say and even told me she was an intermittent faster who struggled to do so herself.


I’m not surprised. Medical professionals [in the U.S.] can be grossly ignorant of nutrition in general and anything related to fasting. They still cling to eating 3 meals a day, snacking, and drinking 8 glasses of water as a rule.


I dont tell my doctors what I am eating. They have less knowledge of it than me its not their specialty. Obviously these are not dietitians or nutritionists. I did tell my optometrist because she kept pestering me wondering how I improved my eyesight and eye condition. (I wasnt fasting then)

Edit: actually I was doing OMAD then, but that wasnt intentional it just naturally came about.


My male OB/GYN was surprisingly very informed, and he just said to pay attention to my hormones . He talked about a hunter gatherers, and how fasting was normal until recent times. He did mention how men and women should fast differently, and this is true.!!


They’re morons.

“Don’t do it, it’ll damage your system!”

What exactly will get damaged?


Surprisingly most clinicians, dieticians and MDs I talk to endorse fasting but 100% believe it is too hard for most people. When I tell them that I’ve been fasting and gyming since Jan and was able to cut my Cholesterol in half they think I have super powers.


So you told the doctor that something free is helping your anxiety; and you are confused why she said it’s a bad idea.

How is she supposed to make her Jaguar payments if you get over your anxiety and quit showering her in money for consultations + pills?


She’s obviously speaking WELL outside her expertise, and the lack of MEDICAL training is obvious.

I’d love to hear her explanation as to exactly WHAT damage is being done, and how exactly it’s irreversible if she even comes up with anything. Sheesh.

Edit:This guy went over a year without eating with medical supervision and nutritional supplements.

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