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What should I look for when testing my blood sugar during IF


I lost about 110 lbs 5 years ago (from 340 to 230). I struggled with panic my whole adult life and it pretty much resolved itself when I got in shape. I used 18:6 to help me along with lifting. During the last 2 years I’ve gained some back. Panic is creeping back.

I basically “fell out” of IF slowly. I’d still skip breakfast but found myself not sticking to the window for any meaningful stretch of time. I had some unrelated heart palpitations earlier this year and my doctor ran me through a bunch of tests, blood sugar was one. I am not diabetic or pre diabetic…and while I passed the test…when I told him my mother suffered from hypoglycemia when she was younger he suggested I test my blood sugar throughout fasting to get a feel for the levels and if they approached going too low… although he didn’t expect it would be the case.

His advice stopped at “take it bunch”.

I’m looking for pointers as to when to take it and how many times. I haven’t stuck to any eating schedule for over a year so I’m excited that I’ve been able to get back into it. Schedule wise I’m doing 20:4. 2 weeks in and it’s already got me feeling different. Panic is less than it was…I just feel really good (I hit a rough patch sometimes around 14 hours but the closer to 20 I get the better I feel). Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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Mmm, as pre-diabetic I test first thing in the morning.

The deal with hypoglycemia is that, after eating carbs, your body dumps a bunch of insulin - too much - and you get sleepy and tired.

Sooo, you could also test 60 minutes after every meal, to see if it’s in a safe range then as well.


Without having a medical history and knowing you personally etc; not being your doctor it’s impossible to say something. But:

It sounds like “blood sugar measuring is not medically necessary, but if it interests you, do it”

What you can do …is a test:

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