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What’s the longest fast you’ve ever done ?

What results did it yield ?

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I’m on my longest water fast. Almost at 14 days. Going 30, so nearly halfway. My wife is very good cook, so smelling her food is probably the hardest part. I’m not weighing myself, but I definitely look slimmer in the mirror and my clothes are looser. That’s enough motivation for me. I love the brain clarity, but my body doesn’t have much energy. Did a mile uphill walk today and it was a bit of a struggle but not too bad.


I completed a 7-day water-only fast last year. My fast starting weight was about 223lbs and dropped down to 214lbs. After water weight gain I was at 219lbs.

I had bad constipation during my fast. I think I’ll do better this year because I resolved my constipation issues going into my next 7-day fast (starting this Sunday at 5 pm), so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn’t happen again this time.

My body just felt so good. It’s worth the effort.


31 Days, Dropped from 200 to 160, bounded back to 168. I got abs out of it, broke my eating habit of seeing food and eating it. Helped change my perspective on life and repair a few chronic injuries.

I hated and loved it, like running a marathon.


3 and a half days, but if i complete my current one which is 4 days long, then this will become my new record. i lose about 0.4 pounds a day fasting so i lost only about 1.4 pounds during my 3 and a half day fast


26 days, it was kinda awful, never wanted to do that again. Mostly just boring, lol. Low energy for an entire month is really boring.

Went from around 265 to 230 after the water weight regain, 215 before it.

About a month later I went on vacation and kept up my vacation eating habits for the entire year, bringing me back to where I started by the end of the year, lmao.

But I recently twisted my knee, which is basically the world’s way of getting rid of all my excuses, so I’m starting it again today. Should help with the healing I’d imagine.

This time however, I’ll make sure to maintain it, lmao. Initial plan is to fast one day a week, kind of impossible to gain weight that way, and it’ll keep me healthy thanks to the weekly dose of extended autophagy.

I’m currently lying in bed in a hotel while the rest of my group finishes up their week of skiing, so don’t really have any temptations stopping me. Should get these first 4 days over with here and then continue the rest of the fast back home.


7 days, lost 15 lbs. I enjoyed it so much that I’ve been doing 7 day fasts once per month or so during the spring and summer. Started March last year at ~250 lbs and I’m around 200 lbs now after bulking a little during the winter.


36 days. -41.4lbs. I actually received a healing miracle on day 14. I could feel disease leaving my body & I felt an amazing presence. I’m early in the refeed & am still probably going to realize some benefits. One thing I’m noticing is less fatigue, more clarity, higher functionality & able to work for longer hours.


11 days Male(32) height 6’1 sw:249 ew: 226 was working out and keeping an eye on my electrolytes and bowel movements. Honestly felt amazing most of the fast just a little bored not eating. Had a headache day 3 and day 7.


3.5 days. I lost 12lbs during that first fast.

36F, Height: 5’8”, SW: 197, weight after fast: 185. My CW is 180. I started fasting Feb 4th, 2023 and started with rolling 48’s and 72’s - but wasn’t particularly consistent - and now I’m doing mostly OMAD and fasting on the weekends. GW: 135. ✌️


Nothing close to some people on here - 5 days. I really felt amazing after and it set me up for a long period of health. Got down to my goal weight as well. I need to do it again but I seem to have more trouble now!

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