| | Water Fasting

Who is in the process of, or about to start an extended water fast?

About to start an extended water fast, or already doing one? What day are you up to and what’s your goal?

I think it would be great to have this in one thread so we can motivate each other!

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I’ll start, I’m 7.5 days into a 28 day fast (last day 31st October 🎃).

So far I’m hanging in there, a bit tired but feeling great. Body is tightening up. Had a couple of times where I almost caved but recognised that it was desire, not hunger.


I’m 72 hours into what I hope will be at least a week long, maybe two week fast. Water and coffee only. Its for weight loss. I’ve never gone over a day without food. So far feeling fine. Day two’s hunger was toughest so far. But not really that bad.


I’m currently on day 4 but had some blood test and they told me today that my glucose levels were really low (48 to be exact) and they told me to have some carbs. Only thing is I’m doing this to get rid of what I thought was a stomach parasite but now I think I might have diabetes of some sort. So far I have only drank water and I’m starting to feel weak and dizzy. Am thinking about eating now and to check if I really have diabetes cause I know fasting is dangerous for people with diabetes.

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