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Why do I keep failing water fast?

As soon as I’m offered food it feels impossible to not eat or when I see some

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Oh man, mom’s food is so hard to resist. I used to put a serving (or 2!!) in a box and refrigerate or freeze for later. That way I knew I’d still get to eat it and look forward to it when my fast was over.

Sometimes it’s not about wanting the food at that moment itself but the FOMO.


Maybe it’s in your best interest to do IF. Either try 18:6 or OMAD and tell your mom that you can only eat within a certain time frame. Then on occasion you can try and skip the meal all together. Maybe even ask her not to offer you food on certain days so that you can try doing 5:2.

It’s all about willpower and practice. Just keep trying and you’ll eventually figure it out.


Make sure you’re in a good headspace before fasting. When I used to fast for the main purpose of weight loss, I struggled A LOT. Sometimes I’d succeed through pure willpower but it sucked. However, when I approached fasting as a way to “reset” my body (aka, give it a few days rest from eating junk, let it regenerate), it was a lot easier, especially after the first day.

Depending on how long you’re wanting to fast, I’d also recommend watching fasting videos or results from people who finished fasts similar in length to the fast you’re aiming for as extra motivation.


I’m always haunted from my hunger, an unappeasable monkey. It was absolutely liberating to not think or care about did. Just one more huge thing to not worry about. So just don’t think about it, literally don’t even look at what’s offered. Apathy. Disinterest. I’ve done 3 17- day water fast. Hardest part is dialing in your electrolytes to avoid nausea, muscle cramps, and a rough re-feeding.


Just remember that those few minutes of “joy” eating won’t out feel the difference you feel in your health when you compete a fast. You will eat again, just remember that. By the time I’m done with my fasts the things I crave during don’t even sound good anymore,shit like Taco Bell 😂


Start slowly, first reduce your diet, slowly shift to keto then start the fast.
It’s painful to jump straight into the fast.
Another thing that helped me, adopt a nocturnal lifestyle if you can.
During the day, I can order food, look at my housemates eating food and end up giving in.
All along the night, I am alone.
When there is no food before you, it is easier to stay on track.
Also whenever you feel hungry, drink a lot of water. Hunger subsides, surprisingly.


Work on your mindset around fasting, and maybe look into what happens in your body at different stages of a fast if you’re into the science of it.

If you need a dose of hardcore tough love, watch a few snake diet videos on YouTube. That always does the trick for me!


It is all about distraction. My personal record is 28 hours and I was off, no family visit and I was playing videogames and have to fix some stuff in the house (some ceiling problems)

Now with some good games in 2022 (Horizon Forbidden West and Forsaken) I am planning to reach the three days fasting immersing myself in these games. Lmao.


I always tell myself that I can quit when I want to. I believe that this helps me stick to the fast, and I don’t think it works for everyone. I know that we’re used to eating, so it’s certainly a feat to accomplish - don’t be hard on yourself. Remember why you decided to fast. The end result of the feeling of accomplishment, is worth it. You’ve got this! Just let yourself try until you get there! 🙂

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Categories: water fast omad to fast weight loss struggle electrolytes muscle a fast shit keto pain mindset