Hi all! I just started fasting (still in the middle of one) but this is my first intentional fasting since when I unintentionally fast it's because I have a crazy busy lifestyle so I sometimes go fasting this way. But...
I'm at my happiest and most peaceful when I'm fasting, but after many recent failures in doing it I pretty much don't believe in myself anymore. Now every time I want to fast, I psych myself out because "you'll just...
Can I smoke during my water fasting period ?
Hi, Has anyone tried consistent fasting? Like 2 days/week? Or a few days a month. How was it? As how were your results?
crazy insomnia but need to heal gut. I feel like I can sleep better in the day but at night I just cant sleep.
I come up with so many food recipes when i am fasting for long
Is it okay to change the fasting days and switch them a little Like today 18:6 and tomorrow 16:8?
On week three.. was doing very well until yesterday. Ate like a horse last night - totally fell off the wagon, so to speak. Sat in front of the TV and pigged out on graham crackers and...
I tried IF for around 6 months 3 years ago. I lost around 20 lbs doing 16:8. But even though I snacked within my window, I would feel so guilty. Anytime I got hungry and ate, I would feel like...
The only thing I really struggle right now is the vape addiction. It's going on since more than 9 years. I just want to stop but always relapse, Im so used to work and vape (remote work) that I can't...
You guys ever just say f**k it an cook a lb of ground beef and call it a meal? I was doing homemade recipes but I wanna minimize time involved with food in generalm
Are you starting a new fast this week? We'll be posting this thread every Sunday, at the beginning of every calendar week, so you can check in and tell us about your plans for a fasting this week!
I get married In 6 weeks. I bought my dress 2 years ago as wedding was cancelled during lock down. It’s now too tight. I need to loose half a stone in 6 weeks. I don’t care how extreme the...
I had a great fasting week last week finally being able to do three 42s in the same week which has neeeever happened before. And I lost 3lbs which is great! Then Saturday was my dad’s birthday so we went...
Exactly the the title. I’m about to do a fast for 18+ days. I’ve done a 17 and 21 in the past and I can’t really remember how much I lost. I’m 5’9 180 would like to be 145 but...
I’ve had 16 really good days of IF 16:8 and 18:6, with an average of 1200 cal intake with some results on the scale. Yesterday (day 17) I had surgery in the morning. And woke up from it ravenous. I...
This group is inspiring. I have been on/off my weight loss journey multiple times over last decade. This group inspires me, I am starting again and I am commited to do it. Its definitely not easy but so...
The moment I hit that “start fasting” button, I just think about food. It consumes my thoughts entirely, I can’t get any work done or engage in any kind of hobby or do *anything*, I just think about food and...
I have failed. Or it's a formal of rebellion. I'm not sure. Either way, Its becoming a habit. 😆
Hey guys, I have been fasting for about 6.5 months. At first, I thought I wasn't seeing results, but I started to drop weight at a good rate. I am 5ft 8in, Male, age 26, when I began my IF journey,...
I would love to see some posts of 50 and 60-year-old people losing weight by fasting. This would motivate me like nothing else
I am massively overweight, I'm 5'11 and 433 pounds, my small goal is to get to 350 and then finally 250. I'm trying to lose the weight fast but at least responsibly for someone that has a job that is...
Hi guys! I’m doing intermittent fasting 3x a week for 36 hours each. My goals are weight loss and blood sugar / insulin management. Has anyone ever done this before and if so, would you mind sharing your experiences with...
I have an awful sore throat so took some of my go to cough syrup but it's really sweet so I'm wondering if this has broke my fast?
Trigger warning: eating disorders I feel like I have no where else to talk about this. I have been in ED recovery for almost 2 years and 6 months abstinence. During recovery i relapsed here and there but not the daily...
I’ve been getting excessive thirst, headaches and constant salty mouth for the past 2 days. I figure it’s from an electrolyte imbalance, either too many electrolytes or too little (drinking a gallon + a day). Can anyone weigh in?
37 days 1200 19:5 and the Valentine’s Day candy and large portions of healthy things… I can feel the momentum to run away from it all, help! How do you get yourself back on plan? I think in part I’ve...
Since I moved home I just cannot get a routine down for a successful few days of fasting. Too easy access to food, different routines with work. Are there any success stories for WFH and IF?
I really like IF and am easing into longer fasts. Never thought I’d say something like that, but this time around trying it, I’m really *getting it* more. I feel great after 2 weeks of experimenting. However, I have a lot...
Went through my normal medicine grab and popped my vitamin c and as I swallowed I remembered that vitamin c can be used in emergency for diabetics b/c is basically a sugar pill with ascorbic acid. Did I just blow my...
I've been trying for a few weeks to fast but I work in a bakery and have impulse control problems with food. If I see it I want it. I always fail with my fast because it's so hard to...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
I was recently reading a post in this sub called "Not Guilty Pleasures" about foods that people didn't give up while losing weight with I.F. and that got me thinking about the common diet rule that you shouldn't bring junk...
Are there any recommendations on how to feed my family and still remain in a fast? I have serious troubles not eating what I am cooking. It smells so GOOD!
I lost some weight after getting covid thanks to the lack of energy, but for some reason i still craved food even when I'm not hungry after a week of eating less. I'm a stay at home wife and mom...
I just started IF a few days ago. I cried last night and I feel like crying today. Is this a hormone/glucose side effect? I don’t usually feel these waves of tearfulness, just started. Is this a coincidence or...
Yes, I am aware that this was most likely water weight, but seeing that scale number go down is enough to make me keep going on this journey! F30, SW:233, CW: 225, GW: 180. Been going back and forth 16:8...
I am feeling rather ashamed of myself. I lost 50 pounds with IF, but recently things have been increasingly stressful. Emotional and binge eating have put me back over the 200 mark. I am only 5'2" so it really shows....
When it comes to fried food, if I only eat the lighter part and remove the darker "crust"/outer layer (or whatever is the actual name for it), will it have less calories? Examples: [1)](https://www.pngkey.com/png/detail/70-708002_chicken-tender-png-kfc-tendies.png) [2)](https://catracalivre.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/img-6483.jpg) [3)](https://www.anamariabrogui.com.br/assets/uploads/receitas/fotos/usuario-3140-d8e93392da64ab80018cb3e5a54f30e9.jpg)
Hi All, I've lost about 70-75 lbs since February doing mostly 16:8 and 18:6. Lately, though, I feel like I've kind of hit a plateau as I've been stuck at 257-259lbs for the past 10 days or so. I was thinking...
I don’t love the app because it sorta just seems like a timer, but I’m new to IF so just seeing what pointers y’all might have. I’m doing 16:8.
So much of my hunger is related to me thinking about being hungry or thinking about food. When I'm busy, I can go a long time without eating, but when I'm sitting at my desk at work and feel the...
Hi everyone, I love seeing everyone's progress pics and was hopeful that IF could work for me over counting calories, which is crazy making for me. I'm a 45f, 5'7" and 130lbs. Just looking to lose about 5lbs to...
I’m sorry if this offends anyone here, I am genuinely not trying to and absolutely give all the respect to those who have lost weight and gained confidence doing intermittent fasting. My question is, how is IF not related to...
I'm new to fasting but doubtful if it works, I have a beer belly I'm trying to get rid of, actually I want to get rid of all my fat, will fasting actually work and how soon can I see...
I'm an obese individual, wanting to speed it up. Even if it's not only fat being lost but water weight too, I don't mind. I just need to get down the scale for now.
Personally, it turns me off as "woo woo", but not enough for me not to see the benefits of it. Genuinely curious if there's a logical connection or sorry to say, it just tends to bring in people who want to...
What type of self talk do you give yourself when you get cravings? All I hear in my head is "you're hungry, you need this now, eat it while you can"!
I’m planning to do a 24 hour fast for the first time. Have been doing 16/8, 18/6 for the last three weeks. Any tips??
I have some questions. I gained a ton of weight after I retired from my sport. About 90 pounds. When I used to cut weight for matches/fights I used to only have one black cup of coffee a day along...
I am just popping in here to see if I can get advice on losing weight, gaining muscle, and balancing it with Intermittent fasting. I'm currently doing the 20/4 short period. I burn about 1000 calories daily and do a...
Been doing IF and tracking calories for a few weeks to lose weight. Going great, the IF window makes it much easier on me Physically and mentally to stick to my calorie ceiling. Yesterday, I messed up, went way over my...
I started less carb with 18:6 IF this past week and a few days ago I noticed strong BO from mainly my armpits. I haven’t changed my daily hygiene routine other than now applying more deodorant each day since...
I feel so horrible right now and I have nowhere and nobody else to talk about this with. I have struggled with weight my entire life. I’ve always been overweight. I decided to make a change last year around August....
Ultra-summarized: 1. Focus inwards and sense the incoming craving deeply, as an inner void or vacuum. 2. From it's depth, imagine a black sun rising, filling you with warm endless energy, rising up until one with you. 3. Feel the energy overflow and...
So, I started on August 8, I have read how the scale went down massively for many people, for me it has been going down, but right now it's being "slow", but! I took my monthly measurements, for the waist,...
In my mind, When I mess up and cheat I feel I lost all progress made and I’m going to instantly gain all the little bit of weight i’ve lost back? I was fasting for about 2ish weeks and I...
I planned to lose 25 lbs, then maintain for a while to see how I feel and decide if I want to lose more. I recently hit that 25 lb goal with a combo of 18:6 or 20:4 IF 4-5...
So I'm about 6 weeks into doing IF. I fast for at least 18 hrs Fri - Mon and and do two 40+hr fasts the rest of the week. I've found that works well bc on my full fasting day...
I still live with my parents for financial reasons and can't move out anytime soon. My parents are morbidly obese and I'm obese myself. I've been trying to lose weight for years and haven't made progress and have actually gotten...
I used to be a gun at fasting with the ability to easily do 18:6 and even OMAD. I've fasted on and off for the past 1.5 years. I haven't made as much progress as I want for various reasons...
I am doing it to cleanse my body and let it deep clean itself and revitalise itself, to feel hot, for my skin, so my body can regenerate and do everything it's been wanting to do. Feast must be balanced...
I have done intermittent fasting for years and it has been great for me to maintain my weight. Recently though, I find myself eating more after my fast to the point where I’m too full. It has caused me to...
Succeeded without difficulty with first 42 hour fast last week. Tried again this week and made it through 24 hrs feeling pretty good. It was hard to sit down at dinner with my husband and two kids and did feel...
Any tips on preparation. Have done many 72 hours even cascade fasting routine. First 7 days. Any tips on preparation. I keep seeing mentions of emptying bowel prior. Is that even possible?
Like a lot of folks, my weight loss journey has been going on for years, but there were two previous times in the past where I made real effort. I would see success for a few months and then it...
I’m really wanting to give IF another go but have tried and fell off before in large part due to my changing work schedule. I work a fairly strict 8.5 hours a day (with a 30 minute lunch), and I’m...
I am new to trying IF and also work 3rd shift/night shift. I work 4 8hr shifts a week 11p-7a (32 hours). Just wondering how other night shift people plan their fasting during their nights on versus their nights off....
It's like my will power is nonexistent
So I love black coffee so much. I’m THAT person who knows the difference between different countries coffees, I grind the beans myself, I’m critical of that vending machine coffee and all that. It’s also a great appetite suppressor when...
I (32F, 1.80m, cw:84kg, gw:72) want to feel good in my skin again and for that want to adapt to a healthier way of eating. I’ve been practicing IF for over a year, with mainly 16:8 and sometimes a longer...
I started doing 20:4 this month from 3rd. I feel really good during fasting in general. But the last two hours of my fast us when hunger kicks in and i can feel my stomach. I know i can...
No, I don’t mean “eat cabbage soup for two weeks and shit out several pounds” or diet pills. More so, what are the best tricks you’ve learned to help you stick to weight loss goals? For example, the best hot tea...
I am struggling to give up soda. I try to only have two meals a day and have found myself justifying the soda since I drink it with my meal and not outside meal times. I want to stop drinking...
I'm starting a 7 day soft dry fast which I know I can do but I need to find more effective ways to fill up my time. After doing a few 24+ hour dry fasts I've noticed that I usually...
I have been dating 18-21 hours a day for the past four to five weeks. However I have not seen much weight loss, and this is because I snack out of boredom, not hunger. Does anyone else do the same...
Hi! A question to those of you who manage to fast for 3+ days while working full-time - how do you do that? I mean, I can't imagine having enough energy to focus on work and maintain the same productivity throughout...
I am struggling so so much trying to dry fast or even water fast...I know I can do it because I did a 2 week water fast before like 2 years ago but I just really need to lose a...
I broke my really good water fast about 6 days and 12 hours in (1st attempt) yesterday. I was hanging out with some friends, and we went to this pizza joint, i've been there on day three and day four so...
Starting out IF is not as easy as it sounds...let's be honest. I've been doing this for 2 weeks now and some days are better than others; so here's my question: How do you overcome the cravings? ...
Im currently away from home for a few months attending a super high stress and demanding school for the Air Force. We work really long days in a windowless building but get two hours for lunch which is a much...
As we head towards the end of the year, I thought it would be nice to list some of our personal victories. It doesn’t matter if it’s a scale victory or something else. Let’s celebrate our hard work and pat...
Title says it all. Curious if other people record every weight they take or just when they lose it? I’ve only been recording when I lose weight but I don’t know if it would be better to see the ups...
I'm an experienced water faster and intermittent faster, and I know after a few days (WF) or weeks (IF) you adapt to it and stop feeling hungry. Does that happen with dry fasting? After some time, you stop feeling...
Hi I am 29M, I am obese for my height. I’ll pretty much start panting once I do anything and I noticed I was mouth breathing which I am trying to give up. I want to start IF but my...
My longest fast till date is 23 hours. I'm currently on OMAD. I've seen amazing results with IF, it's completely changed how I see my body and my will power. My biggest struggle so far has been convincing people I'm...
I am 40 hrs into a 3 day fast and I’m not actually hungry, I just find myself THINKING about food a lot. I work around food so I smell it all day. Physically I am able to recognize I...
Things are moving slowly on the scale for me despite doing 20:4 and controlling calories. Can you share your painfully slow but still successful stories with me so I keep going...
Hello everyone, I have been watching water fasting videos for a like 2 weeks straight and now I feel it is exactly what my body needs. Basically a reset so I can be a healthy eater after. I just wanted...
Ok, so let’s say you make some bad choices during your eating window one day. We all do it, can’t change it after the fact, etc…what is your process after that day? Do you do a longer fast the following...
I decided at the end of December I would commit to improving my eating habits and working out for 3 months before weighing myself. The main reason for this was just to just focus on healthy habits and not obsessing...
For me, ignoring hunger or cravings isn't a struggle as much as having to face mental problems head on is. I'm an emotional eater so whenever I feel anxious, depressed, stressed or any other negative emotion, I turn to food...
Does anyone do cheatdays? I’ve been doing IF for almost a month now and I just got a cheatday. I feel so bad about it now🥹 Will this ruin everything I worked for the last month?🥲 I didn’t go really over board but 🤷♀️...
I used to work at a job 45 minutes away and a single dad with majority custody. We already had to get up at 5:30 for work and school since we lived so far away so mornings were a no...