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Why does everybody have POTS, ADHD, CFS and ASD these days?

ADHDer here. Is it something in the way we’re eating? Glyphosate usage? Air pollution? Micronutrient deficiencies? What in the environment is causing these disorders? Something must be epigenetically triggered in us, if not outright DNA damage from SOME source that was not present 500 years ago. It’s like our nervous systems are made of jelly. MS rates are 10x higher in the US than globally and we pollute like crazy. Something is wrong here.

Are there nutrients we could ingest to get rid of this? Or is it an unavoidable side effect of modern living? There HAS to be some kind of generalized mitigation tactic to preserve cellular functioning.

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To start with, I think it’s unclear how much of this is due to an actual increase in disease prevalence vs. an increase in the number of people who get diagnosed (due to greater disease awareness, changes in diagnostic criteria, less stigma, etc).


I’d like to believe that the more people are getting tested the more people are coming out with their diagnosis. It’s not as taboo as it was a decade ago and it’s certainly easier to catch at an earlier age.


I have a theory as an autistic and ADHD person that since the Internet/social media have allowed more neurodivergent folks to meet and interact, more of us find like-brained partners and get married/have children. Since these are all genetic traits that means more ND kids are being made.

Of course we have better diagnostic tools as well, but I really think people are ignoring that we’re only 60-ish years out from widespread institutionalization…very few people back then who were diagnosed with something like ASD would have been able to date, much less marry and have kids.


about dna mutations, your cells dont just always replicate, they always mutate too. most of the time the mutation arent bad i.e. not cancer or tumors. but people do get cysts. mutated bundles of cells making a lump. they are a pain to remove completly surgically btw cuz you need to scratch/chip at them slowly to only remove the ‘bad part’. i have an entire part of the family whos having a lot of breasts and ovaries cysts. joy.

about micronutriment, i want to agree with you because health, nutrition, body functions are usually a greyish area, but i do have a few infos that makes me muddy about it


I’ve also noticed this trend. I personally feel it’s a mixture of things…

Just my humble opinion


What’s changed in the recent couple of decades? Environment, Pollution, poor nutrition, plastic consumption (via heating food in plastic), pesticides, gmo foods which can be sometimes good but sometimes not. It has to have some affect. We don’t the same wheat as our grandparents.


People don’t move enough people don’t sleep enough people are way too stressed at work at home everywhere people don’t eat well enough people drink way too much alcohol and have kids when their body is in already terrible conditions, passing the same shit genes to their kid who obviously is not going to be a top notch student when their mom was feeding them in the womb with Jack Daniel’s and twinkies, probably plastic and air pollution as well but I think the fact that people are so unhealth ik it’s really about doom and gloom these days but like at least try to counter some effects with a healthier lifestyle and don’t add fire to the flame


what really happened is that people stopped dying. All of those “differences” have always existed and will always exist. people simply stopped being :

Its easy to say ‘pollution’ but i need you to remenber, 90% of human history did not have as much FLASHY, Loud!!, colorful!! TASTY, super fast duper interesting stuff happening : All of the time and at the same time!

so yeah ppl are bound to be overwhelmed, people are bound to be “un-optimized”. my mother is ADHDer and she is absolutely a queen at multi-tasking, ask her to read a 3 small sentences tho? babe she almost dropped out of elementary school. she always picks the most berries in a wood trips, she never grabs the right milk at the grocery store.

But YES pollution is atrocious and bad, how much does it hurt everyone? probably in inflammation illnesses tbh. im thinking less “brain problems” and more asthma, insulin troubles, thyroid gland troubles.

I need you to be aware that, if a few generation ago you had a famine, your descendent wont be losing weight easily at all. thats crazily interesting because it implies some sort of ‘trans-bio-generational memory’.

eh my 2 cents in there


The most simplest explanation would be people are just being diagnosed more frequently. Neurodivergeance has always existed at the same rate. Its just Psychologists feel the need to put a label on every difference people might have. High functioning autism is considered a “disorder” but it would not stand out at all 100 years ago. Those on the schizophrenia spectrum would use to hide their symptoms because the other alternative was a forced one way trip to a sanatorium if they were wealthy or an asylum if they were unlucky or a criminal.


They don’t. PeopleAre just over prescribed. The condition of being alive is difficult and tragic. Facing it head on is typically more difficult than taking a drug and also doesn’t make certain industries money. Exercise, sleep, healthy relationships and self care solve many of these issues. But no one can make money if those. Sad. Some people obviously need help but it’s wild how over prescribed we all are


largely due to diet. Even if you are at a healthy weight, the food you likely eat is not good for your body. Now think how long you’ve been eating like this, how was your parents diet before you were conceived, and during? We have the latest technology, but we mass produce garbage food. It is extremely hard to eat a diet close to the one we had before civilization. It’s been phased out. This is a consequence of capitalism.


Like 80% of other mental/behavioral disorders ADHD is more and more being identified as a coping mechanism/response to trauma.

POTS is definitely more of a physical issue, I’m sure the dietary/nutritional plays a role undoubtedly for sure but With that being said I definitely don’t think it’s that cut and dry. It’s a helluva lot more likely it’s being identified more and more due the advances of technology & awareness surrounding these issues.

It wasn’t that long ago people referred to those with autonomous issues (passing out/panic attacks or whatever) as people with “a condition”.


I have ADHD and it’s a consistent management game, however, let me answer this question for you.

Neuro diversity has always been present.

There isn’t anything environmentally or nutritional that is accelerating, causing or contributing to the number of people who have a diagnosis.

There was little to no understanding of these diversities up until about 20 years ago.

What has accelerated are the studies and understanding of these neuro diversities and their traits, variations, symptoms and how to manage or control them.

The reason it’s called neuro diversity is just that, brain functionality is as diverse as the cultures across the globe and it doesn’t pay to all be the same.

Being diverse promotes a healthy mix in the gene pool and allows us to excel in different areas and contribute to a common goal or offer a different opinion and approach to a solution. Sure, it’s not always plain sailing, but such is the way of balance, some things should never be tipped in favour of 1 side.

I dunno, maybe think of it like a cake, most of them share the same base ingredients, but the framework can be built upon or altered to create something different that is still inherently the same or has a shared origin.

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