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Would you eat chili every day as your OMAD to lose weight?

I made some delicious ground turkey chili. I put in a ton of onions, peppers, celery, and tomatoes. 4 different types of beans. Spices and herbs and broth. No added sugar. I topped it with whole milk cottage cheese. I was thinking, I could eat this every day, it’s so good. Then I thought, what if I did eat this every day for an extended period of time to try to lose weight? Do you see any problems with me missing out on any nutrients if I were to live on this for a long time as my one meal a day? Would you suggest I add something else to make it better? Any feedback is much appreciated!

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i mean, you could always try to sneak other things in for added nutrition, but it sounds pretty okay to me. maybe incorporate some leafy greens? stir in a handful of spinach before you finish cooking, or even have your chili on a bed of greens? things like that

mushrooms are also incredibly nutritious and likely wouldn’t change the taste/texture of the dish much


I think you would be perfectly fine. ‘Variety’ is overrated. Sometimes simple is best. Now I would advise you, to have something on hand as a back up in case u get tired of it one day all of a sudden just so that u dont run to a drive thru out of despair lol. Like even just a can or two of tuna in the pantry or whatnot so u can make sure u have something as a back up. But i mean, this is coming from someone who wishes could stick to the same food over and over but cant (yet?). Also, if thats gonna be ur only meal, try not to take shortcuts, like make sure u try and use fresh stuff not just frozen bag of onions+peppers and a can of tomatoes. And like someone else said, throw in a handful of greens/ spinach every now and then or mushrooms/ diced zucchini. Maybe one week make it turkey another one ground beef? And carbs are not the enemy! Some ppl do better with them! Best diet is the one u can stick to the longest!


If you want to switch it up, might I recommend green chili?

Turkey, hatch peppers, green bell peppers, celery, onions, white northern beans and whatever spices and cheese you want.

I love me some red chili as well but sometimes gotta switch it up to green.


Nothing wrong with it, you will work it out of your system and move on to other foods in time. Sometimes you need something you know and like and satisfies. I see no issues. If in 3 weeks from now you are doing the same thing I’d say you need to go find a broader selection of options then or be more aggressive at adding additional items to the meal and scale back the chilli 😜. But in three weeks either you will be done with chilli or chilli will be done with you.


There is a frozen riced broccoli/cauliflower blend sold by Green Giant that I throw into soups, stews, etc-it would be a nice boost of extra vitamins. Maybe have a few berries on the side? They are low in sugar and calories.


No, but I would DEFINITELY eat the. Same keto meal every day to lose weight. In other words I eat a lot of the same meals and my daily meals are pretty much identical. But I’mHappy doing this because I enjoy my food. Chili is ok like once a year but I don’t love it personally. Eating things I don’t enjoy is not sustainable.


If you’re worried about micronutrients, add in a multivitamin and mineral supplement.

If it was me, I’d batch make the chili and freeze in serving size portions. And I’d pick a couple more delicious “I could eat this every day” meals and batch make those and freeze them, too.

The reason is because I’ve found If I eat the same thing for an extended time, I eventually want something different. And then after eating the next thing for an extended time I eventually want something different. But eventually the whole rotation (long stretch of meal A followed long stretch of meal B then repeat) begins to feel uninspired and not as delicious. BUT, if I rotate more frequently (meal A day 1, meal B day 2, repeat) then my enjoyment lasts longer overall, especially if I change up the frequency that I switch between them.

Ultimately, though, that’s just personal preference.


There is a type of Japanese joy beans called black soy beans which are half the carbs of regular beans and I don’t taste the difference. I hunted and found them at my local health grocery store for $2.50 a can but well worth it for your endeavor


Pick the things you like to eat and stick with that for your eating window. Make sure it’s got sufficient protein and micronutrients. The dietary fat will almost always be sufficient if you are using animal protein. I would probably add some fresh fruit or veggies as a side for fiber.

Simple, palatable, easy to cook, meets your macro / micro, then go for it. Keep eating it till you get tired of it and move on to something else.

My most successful structured eating is when I have a handful of things that I eat.


Chili is a powerhouse when made with a variety of veggies. I think you might need to look at calories though. Depending on what you put in it, you might need to portion. I say that not knowing at ALL what the calorie count would be on the chili and it probably depends on what is in it. Also. I wouldn’t add any sides like crackers. Beef, beans, variety of veggies, some dairy- seems pretty balanced.


Been starting off every week with 60 hour water/coffee fast and easting chicken or pork soup the days every day I do eat for the last 2 months. Besides saving a lot of time by cooking once a week, also saving a ton of money. My food budget is $85 a month.


For me personally I eat basically the exact same thing 5 days a week. Its working for me and I like not having to “ think “ about it more than i would like daily variety. I do deviate by getting reasonable macro-friendly takeout about twice a week, but thats about it.


I love chili. In the fall i eat it a few times a week. Lately for my omad i have been having scrambled eggs in a wrap with guac, sour cream, and salsa. If you find something your into, nothing wrong with sticking to it. Plus it’s cost effective. My only worry would be getting sick of it.

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