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16:8 Fasting - normal to feel sick on a cheat day with overindulgence?

Went to a super bowl party yesterday and ate quite a bit more than I usually do. In the old days, I could have eaten twice as much and been fine, but last night (after fasting for about a month), I felt horrible - wanted to throw up and woke up with abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Has anyone else experienced this? Not sure if I ate something bad or this was due to eating more than usual.

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I ate more than usual on Saturday for a Valentine celebration and shared some gourmet chocolates with my hubs. I went to bed with a belly ache. I won’t be doing that again anytime soon. I guess it’s a good problem to have.


Yes! Yesterday I decided to have a cheat day and eat after 6 pm- had a slice of pizza at about 8:30 pm. I woke up in the middle of the night last night and thought I was going to throw up. I felt SO sick and my stomach was turning over in itself


I believe it’s normal. I practice OMAD during the week. I bounce between 16:8 and 18:6 on weekends. I tend to stick with cooking a lot of protein and veggies during the week. Although I’m not as strict on weekends, I’m much more disciplined than I used to be. I’ve also been staying away from fast food. Well… Last Saturday, I ate Wendy’s for lunch. By the time I was done, my stomach was queasy. I just didn’t feel good. I was happy about that! I would love to completely give up crappy food. It seems I’m on my way there. On the weekends, I try to indulge on food I won’t eat during the week. Now? Most of it doesn’t taste as good and I realize I can do without it. So, yea… I think fasting is a great tool to help heal from food addiction and cravings.

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Categories: sick stomach omad lunch