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21 day fast complete!

I fasted from Dec 12th and ended today. This was my longest fast ever and was difficult at times but I powered through.

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Amazing. Did you experience the mental clarity and enhanced senses - vision, smell etc?

I couldn’t even complete my 14 day fast attempts. Broke one on day 8 and another on day 10. Maybe, try again this year 🤔


I find the thing which breaks my fasts are social activities.

Like i feel bad or guilty if i go somewhere and im not eating?

Then i get everyone throwing their uneducated 2 cents into my personal choices just because they think it is “starvation” and it just opens up a can of worms that i cannot be fked with.

Anyway rant over.

My longest is 5 days but i didnt want to stop

Can anyone else relate to this?


i have a question, this has always confused me, when ppl post on this sub that they’ve been fasting for XX amount of days, what does that really mean?did you have 0 food or calorie intake for 21 days? did you consume anything other than water?


Really impressive! 7 has been my limit but I was worried about not being followed. Did you involve your Dr / what did you do to make sure everything was running fine during your fast? Running any supplements ? Thanks for sharing.


Awesome job!! What is your plan for refeeding? I’m on my first day of an extended fast - going to aim for 30 days. I’m going to try to have a solid plan in place for refeeding, but I’m focusing on just making it through these first few days for now haha.


How did you feel before, during and after the fast.

My fasts have been limited to 24 hours over the past few years. I feel reasonably calm when I’m doing it, even though it is hard work. After the fast my body feels as though it’s had a nice rest.

About ten years ago I did a 72 hour fast. I can’t really remember much about it other than I lost a lot of weight.

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