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24 hour fast... Need some cheerleading to do it!

I want to do a 24 hour fast. But I think I need a peep talk to boost my will power!

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Oh you can TOTALLY do this. 24 hours isn’t bad when you think about how much of that you’re busy sleeping and working. Once you hit 24 hours you might even decide to keep going another couple. I also recommend reading, taking a walk, or brewing a cup of tea if things get tough. So much of it is just a mind game if you can convince your mind to do it you won’t have trouble at all.

If all else fails sometimes I’ll just look at recipes for foods I want to try out tomorrow when the fast is behind me.

I think this one is a little controversial but I also weigh myself daily to hold myself accountable and stay on track. I use the happy scale app which tracks your moving average which helps navigate the ups and downs.

I guess this was more of a tips comment than a pep talk but I hope it helps! I believe in you and trust that you can and will do this! You’ll feel so good once you’ve done it!


You can do it! For some, 24 hours is a breeze, but when you’re first starting out, it can be hella daunting. But, you’ve got this!

The first 24hr fast you do will be the hardest one. After that, it gets easier and easier, and it eventually feels like a piece of cake. Of course, you could find that it’s quite simple, especially if you’re busy or distracted that day. But, if you’re finding it difficult, just remember — you get to eat again really soon!


Plan a lavish bath, or if that’s not at your reach, then lavish in a hot shower, wash and condition your hair, face mask, brush and floss teeth with a natural solution. Busy yourself with self-care and you won’t miss food sustenance as much. Feel the benefit of in giving your digestive system a much needed break. Once you finish your first 24 hours, challenge yourself to do 72! 🗯😎😛👍🏽👍🏽

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