| | Water Fasting

About to start water fasting, aiming for 7 days

I am not planing to use any salt, potassium etc.. as i have never had any problems with just water in the past. Last fast was 16 days, 3 years ago. I am 52 and in peri-menopause. Any woman out there who has fasted in this phase and could discuss impact?

I will be working throughout, and will aim to stay as active as i can. Any one fancy joining me and comparing experiences?

Agnes, Hove UK

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I don’t know if it’s a menopausal thing or not. I read Dr Fung’s book the complete guide to fasting and it said if you suffer from fatigue and brain fog that you need potassium and sea salt. I did suffer from these so I did.


I am menopausal. I can’t fast without salt supplements. My first fast was 21 days and I was sick 95% of the time. My second and 3 fast was much easier/better. I am currently on day 4:7 and have only needed to supplement once. Listen to your body and you will be fine. Just of if curiosity what’s your reason against supplementing?


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Best of luck to you


Going well so far. The usual headache one expects on day one. feeling positive and motivated. Thank you guys for your support.

Its my first time on Reddit, not quite sure how it works but figuring it out as i go along.

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Categories: water fasting potassium fung to fast sick