How much potassium does this count as? My bottle says "potassium (from 550mg potassium gluconate) 90mg. I'm confused please help!
I wanted to buy potassium for my electrolyte drink and I noticed one brand that says in the label (Potassium (elemental) 448mg from 1,400 mg potassium citrate) So to get 4,700mg potassium from it should i get 4,700mg potassium citrate or...
Like what brand
Anyone know why Cole Robinson places so much emphasis on potassium chloride over other forms of potassium?
I recently discovered, mid-fast and dealing with some electrolyte deficiency, that apparently potassium is prescription only in the country I live in. I decided to end my fast on that note but I was wondering how long I could have...
I really struggle with this! I don’t get near the rdi. Can’t have oranges or orange juice. Or grapefruits. Or tomatoes. Bananas. Don’t like potatoes. Any advice?
I plan to take electrolytes, but would love to know if other supplements are kosher. Thank you!
Am curious of the potassium loss of cold soaking beans before cooking. Thank you
Most of potassium rich foods that I can think of have carbs.
Hello, I successfully finished 3 days fasting with salt only. Now I want to try 5 days and then 7 days. Potassium: [https://www.iherb.com/pr/now-foods-potassium-citrate-pure-powder-12-oz-340-g/69741](https://www.iherb.com/pr/now-foods-potassium-citrate-pure-powder-12-oz-340-g/69741) Serving size 1/4 tsp, 448mg, which means \~2 tsp needed Magnesium: [https://www.iherb.com/pr/doctor-s-best-high-absorption-magnesium-100-chelated-with-albion-minerals-100-mg-240-tablets/16567](https://www.iherb.com/pr/doctor-s-best-high-absorption-magnesium-100-chelated-with-albion-minerals-100-mg-240-tablets/16567) Each tablet is 100mg, which...
Where to buy Potassium in Australia for the snake juice? Alternatively what product can I buy to make the snake juice easily. Please link. Thanks,
Some says 1tsp some says 200-400mg, so I need to know cuz im after 5 days out of 30
"It is magnesium that controls the fate of potassium and calcium in the body. If magnesium is insufficient, potassium and calcium will be lost in the urine and calcium will be deposited in the soft tissues (kidneys, arteries, joints, brain,...
If a person consumes around 8,000-10,000 mg of potassium per day, how much sodium he can eat safely?
I just can't do the baking soda so I have been mixing up one teaspoon of pink salt and one teaspoon of potassium in 2L and then supplementing magnesium by capsules. I drink the entire 2 liters daily. Not active...
As an alternative to gagging down some snakejuice I think it may be preferable to consume electrolytes through tablets such as the following: 4x 1 gram sodium chloride tablets (394 mg of sodium) [such as this](https://www.amazon.com/Safrel-Sodium-Chloride-Tablets-15-4gr/dp/B091NKB9ZG) 24x 99 mg potassium caplets [such...
I've been using table salt for sodium, CALM powder for magnesium citrate, and purchased NOW brand potassium chloride powder to have a source of potassium. However, I'm realizing that I'm getting chloride from the table salt AND the potassium chloride...
Hello everyone! I’m on my 4th day of a 7 day dry fasting and since yesterday I have been feeling a strong lower back pain, which might have to do with my kidneys since I had UTIs in the past....
Im doing the snake and I made the water but I just dont want to drink it this week. I have done it before but dont want to push myself to drink it this week. So to not quit my five...
It's relatively hard to get potassium chloride and magnesium sulphate where I live. I am about to order some online, but it might take 3-5 days for delivery. However I want to get started on my fast immediately, so I've made...
I’m 2 days into a 12 day fast. I’m currently taking sodium chloride (Celtic Sea Salt), potassium chloride and Magnesium Sulfate. Do I need to worry about zinc, calcium, Thiamine, iodine etc?
Just wondering if anyone has a good link that compares potassium levels in people fasting by days fasted. I've tried looking for papers online but haven't found a good one. Anyone reckon I would have a noticeable decreasei in potassium...
The only high potassium item I could find is cream of tartar, I would need around 5-6 teaspoons to reach the recommended amount of 3-4g of potassium. Is it okay to take it one teaspoon at a time throughout the...
Sure, call me a wimp, but I can’t handle snake juice. I have an extra-sensitive palate, to put it lightly. Right now, to get my sodium and magnesium in, I’m taking tablets. 400mg magnesium once a day and 1g of sodium...
Those with kidney disease have to be very cautious with potassium, because for them, the potassium would not get eliminated from the body and could have fatal results. But for a healthy person, do they need to exercise caution with potassium...
The question pretty much states it. Spring Valley K supplements only suggest 1 tablet per day, and it only fulfills 2% of the DV. It's ~90mg.
My first question is does anybody ever actually get the recommended daily intake of potassium/how do you do it? It seems so difficult, especially without consuming too much oxalates. Which brings up the second question of in your experience, has...
I decided I wanted to start intermediate fasting to help my weight loss. I’ve been over weight for years and looking back on my fitness pictures, I really have let myself go. I’m currently on 36 hours and I’m not...
We all know how important the electrolytes are during fasting, as well as the ratio between them. Eg Potassium to Sodium 2:1 ratio. Many drink water with salt and potassium. I just stumbled upon this NIH link and can't vouch for...
Title says it all really, I've been doing OMAD for two months, and comfortably for one month. I'm looking to explore longer fasts and really wanna do it right. It seems that refeeding is something that is a little overblown...
This [Nutrition Made Simple video "The Best Salt According to Science"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_Fu-dwHA0M) says that it is. In the YouTube description box, there are a bunch of cited studies, but, honestly, I'm not 100% sure it's worth my time to read all...
Fish - overfishing is obviously bad for the environment Avocados and nuts - out of season in North America right now, fossil fuels used for transport, drought in areas producing nuts in North America also bad Olive oil production, also...
Whenever I take potassium I feel something weird in my heart. It's like if my heartbeat is weaker...it's difficult to explain. But it is not a nice feeling. I mix in 2 liters of water (along with salt and magnesium) 1400...
So if you eat a meal with 1200mg of salt, then eat a bunch of fruit containing 500mg of potassium. How much of that salt cancels out because of the potassium? Is there a limit to how much potassium can help?...
Taken from Google: The recommended potassium intake for an average adult is 4,700 milligrams (mg) per day. Look at your typical potassium supplement…a measly 2% of our daily is the average amount in pill form. Thinking about where potassium can be found…it...
Right I am only on day two of snake juice and I can already tell its something I am not going to like long term. Being over 40% bf I am in the fat fucker category so will need to...
I just bought potassium tablets, i have salt , epsom salt lime juice and ACV will this still be snake juice ?
hello, newb here. I bought Himalaya Salt + Baking Soda + Epsom Salt but I can't find NoSalt for prepare snake juice in my country. I can find only LoSalt (the original %66 less sodium). Is it ok to but...
Lo Salt is the best electrolyte supplement with no useless additives. Lo salt has all natural potassium chloride, sodium, and magnesium, all 0 calories which will not stop Autophagy. I think its the easiest way to start safe longterm water...
Hey guess I have developed kidney stones from dry fasting and not doing baking soda. Any ideas on how to help. Should I drink lots of water
hey all, been fasting a lot, with rolling 3s and 4s. I can't make traditional snake juice, because I can't find NoSalt in my region. What else can I do? I am drinking pink salt, baking soda, and lemon juice....
I’ve been looking for a good electrolyte powder to use for longer fasts that I’m about to start doing. It’s zero carbs, zero calories and that have tons of different flavors. I wanted opinions on it from you guys...
hi everyone, I am somewhat of a beginner faster. I haven’t fasted for over 26 hours but I really wanna get into 72+ our fast. My only concern is if I follow the snake juice program, is that all you...
I read the info on this forum about them. I just bought Morton’s Lite and some Magnesium Pills. I do carnivore. So my electrolytes will need to come near entirely from these two items. Thots?
Forgive me if i sound dumb but I already suffer from high blood pressure and i was wondering does [No Salt](https://www.walmart.com/ip/NoSalt-Original-Sodium-Free-Salt-Alternative-11-oz/37233033) raises blood pressure. I need my potassium!
does alcohol lessen the absorption of potassium even if it's really good rum /s
I bought morton salt for potassium and sodium. 1tbsp into 2lt water. but it taste horrible. should I add lemon? how do you do it?
Can I just use sugar free pediatlye? and perhaps cut out my magnesium tablet? I take 1/2 a tab of magnesium glycinate a day 200mg. 45%. A centrum multi v 15% calcium, 24% magnesium. I take ashwaganda daily with powdered...
I am trying to fast for 14 days I weigh 186 pounds. How much magnesium potassium and sodium do I need, and can I take it in pill form? I’m doing this to lose weight. Is there any other supplements...
Hello I just started my water fast I don't have an end date in mind I'll keep fasting as long as I can My weight is 101.2kg and my goal is 70kg I'm going to use this electrolytes (in the pictures) Do you recommend something else? Should...
I'm on day 5 of a 21-day water-fast. My muscles feel a bit weak, especially in my legs. Is this normal, and if so, does it get better in a few days? I'm drinking plenty of water, with added salt and...
Not sure which to purchase and I don’t think my salt water is cutting it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I’ve been water fasting for almost a week and I don’t feel the need to eat but whenever I wake up my heartbeat seems very fast and powerful. Is this just a side effect or should I consider ending my...
In my country is very hard to find salt substitutes like No-Salt or NuSalt. So I found this one that has 3 ingredients listed: * Potassium chloride * Tricalcium phosphate * Calcium silicate I'm wondering if someone knows if these ingredients...
Im not interested in creating my own. I can’t actually get potassium from the store. You need a doctor prescription or something. I’m looking on Amazon and there are too many options. What do recommend? I accept links lol
So I’m on day 2 and was wondering how you can avoid/lessen the headaches everyone talks about during day 3/4?
Hey everyone! I’ve been off and on with my weight loss for the last 10 years since losing 110lbs then gaining it all back. I found Cole and subsequently The Snake Diet, a while back but decided to try regular...
This was completely new information to me. Knowing that, should it be included in the electrolyte protocols? [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31082167/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31082167/)
I've finished my 2nd day of refeeding after a 6-day dry fast and I have this constant headache. I've done several water fasts w/o any issues. Any thoughts on what is going on?
I didn’t find anything when searching the sub, and am wondering if anyone else experiences this. Doing OMAD, I experience lactic acid buildup in my quads, specifically the tops of my thighs. Feels like a deep soreness after a lot...
I've been on water only fast. I'm on my third day. About the second night, I noticed my hips and groin aching really bad, and it felt like I need to stretch a lot. I'm not sure what's causing this...
So i am almost at the end of my first 48' which was preceded by OMAD for a week. I really want to continue on to more 48' and possibly 72' but i experienced some problems along the way. *...
What supplements do you guys use for magnesium and potassium? Regular electrolyte pills tend to lowball on both and I'm looking for a higher dose. I know No-salt is an option but it tastes horrible.
Planned for 7 days, but almost close to the end of 6 day, BLood sugar went to 53 for 8+ hours. Severe side defects-nausea, fatigue, body felt cold, shaking and felt like shit. Couldn’t get out of the bed. No,...
Hi! In my previous post I talked about how I recently did my longest fasts yet. I resumed my normal eating patterns (except that I'm gonna be in ketosis for some days) and starting feeling better. The thing is, even two...
I bought some electrolyte supplements yesterday and they contain 400mg Potassium as well as 400mg magnesium. The packaging says one pill a day. Since 400 mg is way too little I’m asking if it’s okay if I took more than...
And my hands are trembling. Should I break my fast? What's causing this?
So I want to point out that I am from India and the typical brands of electrolytes have dextrose or some other sugars and are not zero calorie. Also I request for some guidance if I need to take any...
This is my first time trying this and it tastes like Poseidon is cumming in my mouth. I'm using: 1 liter of water 1/4 tsp of Himalayan sea salt 1/2 tsp baking soda (Brookshires didn't have the other stuff, I'm ordering it from Amazon)
Hey fellow and former fatties.. been a minute. I know this gets very redundant. If you could please help a fatty out tho. I'm attempting to fast to kick my addictions too at the moment so a little brain foggy....
I either have headaches from dehydration or I take too much and get diarrhea. In about 1 liter of water I have 1/2 tsp of salt, 1/2tsp potassium chloride, and throughout the day I get in about 200-300mg magnesium. I...
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I am using Himalayan salt for the first time and at almost the halfway point of my fast, it really makes a difference--just one crystal has an uplifting, energizing effect. I see how people can manage the longer fasts using...
What’s the best way to track my electrolyte usage? I don’t want to under-do my electrolytes but I also don’t want to over-do them! Help!
I’m day 3 of a 4 day fast. my plan is to dry fast for 3 days then on the 4th only drink lemon water My question is what are some signs that i’m dangerously dehydrated and should drink water on...
So I tried to do a 7 day water fast, taking electrolytes and some vitamins. Everything was fine until I had to do some house work bending down and lifting some moderately heavy items so I had to eat something...
Which is better, Chickpeas or chickpeas flour for my body and nutrition?
Hey all, just ordered some snake juice and I see in a video by the creator that 3-4 packets are recommended per day. Now the instructions also say to only add around half a packet to one full packet to...
How much sodium do you consume? MyFitnessPal App tells me I should stay below 2.300mg but I found a study that shows people consuming 5.000mg have better heart healthy? What is your take on this?
Couldn't find the answer to this question anywhere! Are we supposed to drink the snake juice on the refeeds or just regular water?
I have done a 8 days water fast (1 day of them was dry), but have struggled with lack of electrolytes and therefore felt pretty bad, haven't enjoyed the fast. Do I have to fear the same to...
I struggle to get past the 16-18hour mark. I want to work my way up to 48hrs (gradually of course). I work a physical job and I do grappling. Problem is I end up with headaches, brain fog, and dizziness....