| | Water Fasting

After 3 weeks of IF I can already see results and I'm so happy!

No pics because while I can see and feel the difference, it doesn’t come across so drastically in pictures. Will post pictures maybe in a few months when the results are bigger :)

When I started I was 140-150 pounds and 5’2 (I don’t have a scale and just going off the last time I weighed myself at a friend’s place). I definitely put on the pounds in quarantine and was starting to feel extremely unhappy with myself.

Whenever I took pictures of myself I found myself trying for like 20 minutes to find angles and filters that’d make me look thinner and suck in my stomach as much as I could, which just made me feel frustrated and bad about myself after the fact that I had to edit my appearance so much just to feel presentable. Despite doing regular exercise (about 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week) I was gaining muscle but could never get rid of my fat.

I’ve been doing 18:6 and it has been 3 weeks today. I loosely calorie count mentally but I think the biggest thing that has changed is that I used to late night snack every night. I basically eat all my meals the same now, just without the late night snacking and I also make sure I stop eating if I’m full (even if my plate is not clean).

I thought I was imagining it a week ago but I can really see it now. It’s obviously not some miracle transformation and the change is small but it is truly there.

My love handles and tummy are smaller and I’ve noticed that when wearing clothes I just look better and less frumpy/unhealthy in the mirror.

My boyfriend also tells me I look beautiful more than usual lately :) Again, it is not a massive difference. It’s very small but it is there.

I am so excited to keep doing this and to see the results in 3 months, 6 months, and then 12 months. Thank you so much to this sub for existing and all the people who post about their IF journeys.

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That’s great! Don’t worry too much about not being able to get weighed often. I can tell I’m slimmer now - I look slimmer; my belt is on the next hole; I can see my arm and leg muscles better; my belly is flatter. I don’t need scales to tell me. Keep it up. Do you have an app? I use Fastic. It’s amazing how clicking in an app that now I’m fasting for the rest of the day and most of tomorrow morning helps me. It even gives me a little exciting kick when I decide to stop eating early one day. It’s silly but it works. Good luck!

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