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When did you start seeing results??


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If you haven’ noticed changes after 5 weeks that means you are overeating.

  1. During your fast, are you REALLY fasting? Or are you allowing yourself to cheat.

  2. Are you counting your calories during your feeding window? You can easily overeat in 7 hours.


I saw results within the first week but I exercise a ton on top of it. The results have really accelerated after doing a 48 hour fast and basically what seems like brute forcing my body into extended ketosis (if I understand the science correctly). Wasn’t particularly enjoyable but it helped a lot.


I saw scale victory results within the first two months, but I also started counting & restricting calories at the same time I started IF. It took 7+ months for me to actually see the difference in my body & almost 2 years later I’m still maintaining at or under goal, but that’s with consistent calorie counting & now exercise on top of IF during the week.

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Categories: calories 48 hour fast ketosis