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Already frustrated

I’m 8 weeks postpartum and started 16:8 and low carb 2 weeks ago. First week lost 8lbs and this week lost nothing. Please tell me it’s normal. I’m already irritated the scale hasn’t even moved 1 lb, I feel less poofy in my face and hands so trying to focus on that and it the scale but it’s hard when I have 100 lbs to lose.

Just looking for some encouragement. I know I need to be patient but again, I have AT LEAST 100 lbs to lose (5’10 and CW 300 lbs) so ignoring the scale is hard right now cause I’m so scared to gain.

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8 weeks is so soon. The postpartum body takes 18 months to completely heal. The 8lbs could be normal weight loss after a pregnancy and not even a result of 16:8. Based on my experience, I suggest maintaining 16:8 for now and ignoring the scale. I really destroyed my mental state postpartum because I was so hard on my body. Your body just performed a miracle. Love it back to good health. It’s going to take time. If I could go back to where you are, I would maintain 16:8 or maybe even 18:6, count calories around 2200 (I breastfed), completely avoid the scale for at least a year, and enjoy the newborn stage. I wish you the best!


Oof. It is way too soon to judge! Please don’t feel frustrated. That first week well may have been water weight. It also takes time for your body to adjust to this new routine. Concentrate on the non-scale victories your face and hands are showing you. Your progress will be a combination of what the scale tells you and those non-scale victories…and they seldom happen at the same time. You have a good start. Keep up the good work!


I am saying this with a lot of love and not to lecture: Your body needs two years to fully regain all nutrients lost during pregnancy and that’s if you faithfully took prenatals. If you are breastfeeding you also need to avoid fasting to ensure you get enough nutrients because breastfeeding causes weight loss. Maybe trying intuitive eating, but honestly you really shouldn’t be cutting back too much or beating yourself up too much about not losing. It’s only been two months, love on yourself hon. And congrats on the new baby!


10 months postpartum here and I can tell you that IF only started working for me around 5/6months postpartum. (Weaned at 6weekspp, got period back at 12 weeks pp) Hormones are insane and are completely in control. I wouldn’t lose weight all month and then once i got my period back, I’d lose 4-5lbs all of a sudden, rinse and repeat each month for a while. 8 weeks is really early. I still didn’t even feel like a human at 8 weeks. Seriously, be patient. Let your body heal and focus on your tiny human.


You lost 8 pounds! That’s phenomenal. Don’t be hard on yourself, maybe ease up on your dietary restrictions if it’s too confining. Eat what you need to, try keeping to your schedule and that will be enough. 100 pounds is going to take time, so deep breath, relax, and give yourself that time.


Hang in there! I started IF again and lost 10 lbs the first week. I’m on week 2 and it’s now only 11. I truly believe the first week the shock was dehydrating me so when I weighed myself it was more water weight than actual true weight loss. Also, hormones play a huge role, take your time mama. It’s a really hard time right now being post baby. Do what makes sense! I also found 16:8 didn’t work for me. I have to do 20:4 to see significant changes.


Don’t lose patience. Honestly sometimes it’s best to ignore the scale at times. Wait a couple of weeks, then weigh in.

Consistency is gonna win the race.

You will need to probably tweek your diet. Stick to low carb high protein. High fiber. Chicken breast, and stir fried Zucchini works wonders.

Keep mentally strong and remember that your body will always get use to what you throw at it. Sometimes you need to trick it!

All love.


It took your body 9 months to grow your baby…. Your body is still recovering…. Your hormones are still recovering….. Periods also play a huge part in women’s weight, bloating etc etc. I can’t imagine you are getting much sleep at the moment. It’s your choice but I would say just give yourself some more time. Enjoy your baby and get lots of fuel to keep you going you need it right now xx


Girlfriend, congrats on the baby! I understand being frustrated, but you literally created a life and carried that life for 9 months. You should be proud of yourself!! Enjoy the experience, and try to be patient with yourself :)


Congrats on your baby! Please don’t push yourself now - you have a 8 week old baby. You need to be focusing on resting as much as you can and just handling the basics, even if this isn’t your first. Babies are life changing.

I would say if you are breastfeeding when the baby is hungry or wants to nurse and not on a schedule, that helps a bunch. But that means feeding at night, etc. You should not fast while breastfeeding as another person said.

Best of luck Mama!

Edited to add: someone told me 9 months on, 9 months off . . . I’d say that’s the minimum time frame lol - babies are tough on the body!

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