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Always changing fasting times

Does anyone else constantly change their fasting times, by a significant amount?

For example, Monday - Wednesday I might keep to the same schedule where I stop eating between 2-4 pm, and start eating around 9-10 am. I stick to a 1200 calorie deficit.

But Thursday I’ll have a relaxed day. I’ll still wait to eat at least doing a 16:8, but then I’ll eat until 8 or 9 pm., and I’ll have more calories, maybe only 300 calorie deficit.

Then Friday I wait until 1 pm to eat, so I still get my 16:8. But last night I had a few glasses of rum (I’m close to maintaining, and do this once a week, also, not excessively.) I stopped about 11:30 pm. 650 calorie deficit.

So today, Saturday, I won’t eat until 3:30 pm. I’ll stop by 11 pm or so, and then Sunday I’ll have a short window to eat…I’ll do OMAD around 3 pm, and then Monday I’ll eat around 9 or 10 am.

This is how my weeks have been going.

I’ve been having a lot of success keeping bloat off (my main issue due to autoimmunes) and keeping digestive issues at bay. I’ve also lost weight.

Just wondering if anyone moves their times around a lot like I do, or if everyone is very “strict”.

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I move mine around all the time. I feel like it keeps my body guessing and it’s kept me from stalling on my weight loss. I might do OMAD 3 days and think, well I’m going fast for 48 hours now. Next I’ll eat a light lunch and dinner. I always stay in a deficit unless maybe in 2 weeks from doing great I decide hey today I’m going to stuff my face with everything Italian.


If it works for you and keeps you coming back for more, then keep doing it. As some posts already indicated, it may be more beneficial to keep a routine, but I’m a firm believer in doing what works best for you (as long as it doesn’t hurt you obviously).


I e done really well with breaking fast between 8:30 and 10:00 am every day. Eat for 1-5 hrs, and then back at it. Eat all my calories during the most active part of the day. I am not hungry in the evenings…sleep through most of my fast, wake-up….time to get ready for work and time.to break my fast. I range between 17 and 23 hrs, and have gone as long as 29:55. Leave that last five minutes as a teaser and goal for the future…


There was a talk by one of the major professors on this a while back. YouTube or podcast… it posted here somewhere. My recollection is that it is best to keep the same schedule and not move around very much.

Edit: found it



I keep the same hours. Having a consistent eating window every day has drastically improved my ability to sleep. If my only benefit from IF was weight loss, I would have stopped doing it by now. Do whatever works for you and your goals.


I change my fasting time all the time. I’m pretty sure OMAD is just one meal a day whenever you wanna have it anyhow, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t apply to other IF times as well.

For me, it’s not for any practical reason– sometimes for example if my boyfriend wants to make me breakfast my eating window is earlier in the day. In general I feel like CICO is probably the most important factor.


I move my window loads because of shift work and social reasons. Generally anything from 14 to 18 hours fasting.

It has to fit in with my life or I know I won’t be able to stick to it. IF allows me that flexibility.

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