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Any long term benefits when you do 24hr dryfast then 24 hour refeed cycles for 1 month or longer?

I am not overweight or anything. i am just curious about the mental and/or physical benefits?

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The three primary benefits will be:

  1. lower total food expenses in your life
  2. strengthened metabolic flexibility and a more responsive immune system
  3. gradual baseline improvements to healthspan and wellness


Fasting for 24 hours, then refeeding for 24 hours, then fasting for 24 hours ad infinitum is an extremely challenging form of lifestyle caloric restriction – it is not a fasting protocol.

As such, you’ll need to intellectually approach this challenge like an extended diet and lifestyle choice rather than a short-term (i.e. days, weeks), dramatic physiological intervention: in other words your biggest challenges will be to overcome social, emotional and psychological impacts before expecting to achieve any level of ongoing endurance in this approach, i.e. months, years.

Your body should do just fine with this dietary approach as long as your sustainable food choices are highly nutritious.

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Categories: overweight refeeding a fast protocol