Shall I start with a dry fast a month, and then go to 2 dry fast a month, then 3 and then 4 (weekly)? Or shall I start with one dry fast a month, and then 36, 48 and then...
Hey fellow fatties!👋🏼 Anyone try the 37 Protocol? Which was 1. 7 days fasting MAX 2. 3 days fasting MIN 3. Never eat 2 days in a row 4. Snake juice while fasting 5. 1 meal refeed; low carb
Hey everyone. Looking for more information regarding rolling dry fasts and if there's any information about this in the Phoenix protocol. I've been doing rolling dry fasts 5-7 days each with a strict 1-2day refeed in between. Wondering if this...
Hi all Ive just heard the interview w Filonov posted here, in which he says his protcol for obesity is 2x 1 day fasts per week (along with 10km walks on fasting days) Do we know if he means 2x24 or 2x36...
Doing the Phoenix Protocol and am 3.5 days in. Would love to make it to 11, but will break at 7 or 9 if it becomes too much of a challenge. Longest dry fast so far has been 4 days...
Dr.Filonov recommended 2 days of dry fast weekly paired with walking for weight loss. Has anyone tried? And what were your results? Would 2 days of 24 hrs dry fast suffice or should I go for longer periods? I am doing...
Im not new to fasting at all. Used OMAD to lose 55ibs, but I have 40ibs or so to go. I have been doing 18-20 hour fasts for the past week to get back into the swing of things....
Here's my program: * morning: take bp * flashing numbers on the bp cuff (>140/90) -> fast today * no flashing numbers on the bp cuff (<140/90) -> eat today (likely carnivore) In my past fasting experience, BP always returns to normal after 2-3...
Hey guys. I’m starting my death fast now. I’ll be doing daily sauna twice a day for about 1h per session to force out water so i stay in a water deficit. In the evening after finishing about 24h or...
Hi all Has anyone tried the Filonov protocol? 24h fast / 48h fed / 48h fast / 72h fed / 72h fast / 96h fed / 96h fast / 120h fed / 120h fast In total it's 29 days, of which 15 is...
My first fast was a 4 day fast. I had my struggles but I know that if I did it again it would be easier. Then again I do like eating food so it does get old... That would be...
I don't wanna buy the book lol.
Hi all, I've been IFing for a while now, 16:8 all the way up to rolling 48hs, as well as extended fasts. I've been really thinking about what a more sustainable, compliant, stressful (in a good way, and effective (for weight loss)...
42y, lifting for over 16yrs, OMAD for over 8 years. For health benefits but also to keep body fat in check i'd like to do 1 longer fast once a month (and OMAD during the rest of the month). What...
I should probably snap a picture of the page he says this. He breaks down why biologically. I'm not versed enough to argue for or agaist. He says dry fasting is only safe way to fast. I'm wondering what people...
Which protocol for who have only about 12kg to loose and want hit hard on the gym Monday to Friday you suggest?
Stats- Height-6'4 SW-257 CW-257 GW-195 Hey whats up everyone? So Im not new to fasting at all. Have been fasting on and off since 2018. My record is 19 days, and last year I got up to 227 until I got comfortable...
I’m already down 10 pounds from June by just merely increasing my cardio and doing 24s and 48s here and there but it’s been super easy so I wanna try and go further and see if I can lose the...
Hi everyone - I want to share a method that is currently working for me. Without saying too much, I have weight loss resistance that (I suspect) is a combination of thrifty genes, 20+ years of dieting, and early menopause...
I am borderline overweight/ just over normal BMI (BMI is \~25). I find that I don't lose weight (or very very very slowly) doing 16:8 or even OMAD. Can I get suggestions on what fasting protocol do people in my...
Hello, firstly let me begin with, “I am not seeking medical advice, my conditions are managed by medication and frequent blood panels to monitor function”. However, my chronic conditions do affect both my ability to lose weight and how I...
I started listening to Lifespan podcast on benefits of IF for wellness/longevity highly recommend it. I’m on day 4 of doing 20:4 intermittent fasting. I’d like to fast from 4-8pm so I can digest before 11pm bedtime. However, I coach beach...
I had a great ride and was very successful for two months. I never felt better in my life. Then, I had a few problems after the Holidays and I can’t get back on track. Unfortunately I’m a caretaker...
According to the Phoenix protocol you not should to drink citrus or any other acid drinks, however citrus is supposed to be alkaline in stomach and since bicarbonate+water dosnt taste that good adding citrus is a perfect combo, so whats...
Anyone have any experience or sources of info that you can kill/cleanse your body of parasites with dry fasting? Thanks
Completed my first dry fast - 55 hours. It induced satiety but also back pain. Does anyone have good studies on the medical risks and effects of dry fasting? And how do we know when to break the fast?
I am torn between dry and water fasting... So why is dry fasting better than water fasting? Thanks
I am following Jason Fung's website and read his book on Obesity. He mentions that if one of the way to do OMAD is by alternating between dinner and lunches - eating dinner-the lunch next day(16hr)-dinner next day(30hr). Anyone tried...
I have trouble controlling my emotions, no matter what I do I cannot prevent myself from slipping into pits of extreme depressive states. Can dry fasting help me with that?
Hello Everyone. Currently I IF with a window of 20:4. Typically I do a 10 day fast every six months because I've found some significant health benefits from doing a longer fast. I wanted to mix in some more...
Will taking a zinc vitamins break a fast? My goal is for fat loss.
I'm interested in starting fasting for weight loss but am a little confused on how it works. Is it no food at all during fast or just liquids/bone broths? Also could this mess up my metabolism at all?
I'm in the process of getting a new life insurance policy. I'm trying to get the best rate possible. I've done several water fasts over the last year and did a 48 hour dry fast early last week. I did...
hi i have tried water fasting before for only a few days this was about a year ago and now im into try dry fasting because i have stopped using drugs and replaced with overeating which basically makes me feel...
I haven't found any research concerning taking aspirin, which thins blood, and then going into a state of dehydration. I've been concerned about my blood getting too thick during dry fasting, and especially after having covid which can cause blood...
F, 33, 148lb, 5'9" I am skinnyfat and I have bad cellulite on legs and glutes. To what extent can dry fasting remedy it? How long/what intervals would work in my case? I can get to about 125 before...
I've been binging on Mindy Pelz YouTube videos for the last few weeks and I know she endorses varying your fasting to align with your cycle and I'm just wondering if my takeaway is similar to what others have gotten...
I got Hungry Root and love the service. I can only cook in the evening which is my worse time to eat and I also have a child to feed. I make the meal for both of us...
I'm heavily overweight and I want to lose a lot of fat. My goal is to ONLY eat on the weekends for several weeks, or even months. Is it too much? What would you guys suggest? ***(I'm not new to...
Let me know thank you.
I’m just not eating before noon, ever. I have my first meal at 12 and stop eating after dessert around 9pm. Is it accurate to say that I am “intermittent fasting”? Or am I just skipping breakfast? I just don’t...
I started fasting yesterday to loose weight and I've been wondering, what counts as breaking the fast? Would eating a fry count? Or eating half a Cookie count? Either way I probably won't try to eat small foods just because...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
Is this still a good way to see results? I know most people in this sub really push it to days even, but I'm experimenting with daily 18 hours, sometimes pushing to 20 when I can. I'm also on keto...
This is what August Dunning reccs. The stuff is really expensive and there’s some mixed reviews on amazon. Any alternatives? What is your re-feeding process like after a 5 day or more fast?
For some reason after every meal I used to want to smoke a cigarette but then I went on a 104 hour fast and it was the final piece of the puzzle I needed to make the temptation and withdrawal...
Hey Everyone, So I used to follow the Snake Juice and fast for 5-days each week, but it has become difficult as hell recently. I no longer have the strength to work out and fast for such a period of time. During...
i keep trying to do a 5 day soft dry fast but i usually cave in near the end of day 2 because the headaches suck so much. should i just cut it down to 3 days and slowly work...
Hi guys,i want to calculate my tdee thing,and I don't know how to find out what level of activity I have 10k steps minimum at one day, sometimes running,maybe 1-2 times a week. Can anyone help me?
Has anyone/does anyone know of anyone with a BMI over 45 who lost 70 lb in 1 month through fasting? I'm 6'4 370 lb and would like to reach 300 lb by mid-March.
Hi everyone! I have molluscum contagiosum which is a viral skin infection and i have it for 7 months it is spreading to other parts of my body i would like to know if dry fasting can help me.If you...
Is fasting every other day for 2 weeks the same as a 1 week on 1 week off fast? I’m new to fasting.
Hey, so this year(Junior in HS) I got a concussion and a broken collarbone during a wresting practice, when I weighed 137(was cutting to 132) and I wasnt allowed to workout for awhile. Shot up to 152(binged eated because got...
I’m trying to resolve some lingering Covid symptoms and have been increasing my weekly fasting time. My plan going forwards is a weekly fast from after dinner on Sunday until breakfast on Wednesday. So approx 60 hours. Is anyone else...
I'm fasting (OMAD) consistently for the last 3 or so months. I lost some pretty weight but now I have a back injury and doctor recommended some medicine which I need to take in morning and evening after meal. Here are...
Hello. As I am at chapter 19 of the book. If this comes up in the Appendix B let me know that i hsvent gotten far enough in the book. However, in Chapter 19 Fung mentions that...
I’m one of the unfortunate ones who gets keto rash on my chest and back when I start fasting for more than a day. It’s not my first time experiencing it, I’ve had it years ago. I read that it’s...
Over the past 4-5 years I’ve likely spent over 50% of my days intermittent fasting. And looking back it was always the same thing. A reality that seemed to hold benefit. And overall I’d say fasting is a necessary...
I'm thinking about doing a prolonged 6 day fast and assuming I'm taking all the required electrolytes, would I still be able to continue my intense workout routine or should I take it easy for the duration of the fast?...
Hi Question! ​ I started this new year (2023) with dry fast (no food / water). ​ Planning to wrap it up tomorrow morning 4am (in about 12 hours, totaling 32 hours dry fast). ​ I have gym (weights) training at 5am. ​ Question: Should I eat my...
I’ve been losing weight steadily since November but my water weight is going up - I do try and drink water during the day (only water, coffee and peppermint tea after my OMAD). Does anyone know why? Google is not...
I've seen a lot of studies pointing out the benefits of timed restricted feeding/intermitted fasting and not snacking through out the day, however I saw an article of Sumo Wrestler's diet and here is the quote from it:" Sumo wrestlers...
Weird and interesting question! Would lotion/ hair oil or any other cosmetic be detrimental during an extended dry fast?
Been doing IF for several months, weight loss has stalled for about 2 months has anyone had this happen and how did you overcome it
I am 66 kg male I want to do dry fast for better health its all okay when i am awake but after like 34 hours usually when I go to sleep I wake up after 4 or 5 hours...
I'm quite new to all the fasting stuff but so far I've just been doing a regular water fast. I'm quite interested in dry fasting and I was wondering what I should be doing during the fast to make sure...
I’m a little confused. Why is the OMAD window four hours if you’re supposed to eat one plate of food within one hour?
I'm 5'8 and weigh 135 on a good day. Not more than an ounce of fat on me. Can I safely do a 3+ day dry fast? I'm hoping to reduce inflammation and improve mental clarity
Hi there, I’ve been doing 16:8 with great results ... I feel wonderful and can already tell the difference in my body. I don’t have much weight to lose ... (goal is 20 lb). I recently entered PMS for the first...
I'm actually pretty new to reddit but I've been a lurker of this community for a while. I decided to put my foot down and finally join for some motivation, accountability and to share my sucess stories too!! I've started doing...
If you are seeking to lose a substantial amount of weight like 50-60 pounds, would it be better to do shorter periods of fasting in a 18-6/ OMAD/ 36-48-60-72 hour fasts in a rolling fashion, or would extended fasts of...
Is it better to have a bigger time frame for eating when lifting?? I feel like it might be a bad idea to do 20:4 because a workout would have to fit right between. I assume you should eat before...
I am starting my water fast today but I have a softball game coming up in two days. Will I be able to play while fasting?
Hi people, I have experience with fasting in the past 16/8 protocol. I did experienced more alertness, sharpness of my mind and was feeling more energetic. Also brain fog didn't exist while i was fasting . 2 years ago i...
Hi My Fellow Fasters, As the title says. My friends wife was diagnosed with cancer. Has anyone here battled cancer and cured it using extended dry fasts? My friend is hesitant and doesn't necessarily believe in dry fasting. It seems...
Currently on day 1 of a 7 day soft dry fast and was wondering if doing push ups, sit ups, and squats every day is ok. I know lifting while dry fasting isn't a wise move. Hell I even tried once...
I wondered if anyone has tried it and how it worked out for you. If like to hear ppls experience. ProLon - for $189 you get bars and shakes and such to eat everyday to get you through a 5...
Just wondering what you guys think. Should I fast on a monday and a friday. Or just do one big 48 hour fast a week like on a monday-tuesday?
I’ve been hearing a lot about the snake diet, and i just wanted to know if it was better than dry fasting for weight loss? Also for loose skin
Long story short I have suffered from severe colitis and after trying everything for 5 years (started at 18) I last year needed 3 surgeries to remove my colon and create a jpouch. I have done a lot of water fasting...
[This resource]( notes that you shouldn't fast for longer than 24 hours. Do you agree?
Since my last post I’ve tried to chill out with fasting in general and I’ve been water fasting a bit too and I think I’m ready to start dry fasting again on a schedule :) please tell me your thoughts...
Hi, I would like if you can recommend some great books about nutrition in your opinion. Specifically about athletic performance and/or holistic way of life ( stretching, mobility, massage, breathing...). I like to branch out so anything related is welcome.
So I have just started fasting on the 20/4 schedule. I would like to ask advice on how to break that fast and how to safely and optimally consume 2,000 calories in a period of 4 hours without spiking my...
I’m thinking of juice fasting on weekdays and 48 dry on The Weeknd’s every week for atleast a month. Anybody think this is a good method? Just a little experiment
Don't get me wrong, I love fasting and IF and I completely understand the benefits of IF both physically and psychologically. But I just can't stop feeling once in a while that IF takes away some of the fun...
Are you starting a new fast this week? We'll be posting this thread every Sunday, at the beginning of every calendar week, so you can check in and tell us about your plans for a fasting this week!
I am following NDS … where they recommend to do almost 16-18 hours of dry fast.. followed by green juice (detox).. followed by normal food where they recommend to eat only raw plant based food or fruits.. no meat, no...